Hello! Thank you very much for your visit to Yokohama Kamome-pan's blog!
Today, I'd like to guide you to our parking lot.
Customers visiting our shop (Kamome-pan's main shop in Nagata-Higashi) are free to use the parking lot ☆彡
Click here and you can see the information page of the parking place.
⇒⇒⇒Information for Kamome-pan's Parking Lot.
We are waiting for you with delicious bread☺
Kamome-pan HP
(京急 井土ヶ谷駅 から徒歩8分・駐車場あり)
電話 045-713-9316
〒232-0072 神奈川県横浜市南区永田東2-10-19
TEL 045-713-9316
Today, I'd like to guide you to our parking lot.
Customers visiting our shop (Kamome-pan's main shop in Nagata-Higashi) are free to use the parking lot ☆彡
Click here and you can see the information page of the parking place.
⇒⇒⇒Information for Kamome-pan's Parking Lot.
We are waiting for you with delicious bread☺
Kamome-pan HP
(京急 井土ヶ谷駅 から徒歩8分・駐車場あり)
電話 045-713-9316
〒232-0072 神奈川県横浜市南区永田東2-10-19
TEL 045-713-9316