そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-10-09 01:16:58 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
00:06 from foursquare
I'm at 清水池公園 (目黒本町2-12, 目黒区) http://t.co/XiV666ZR
00:33 from ついっぷる/twipple (Re: @donguri_maimi
@donguri_maimi そうですよ、アイコンはちょくちょく変えてます。なっきぃは自撮りが多いのでいろいろ使えます。ちなみに今の元画像はこれです http://t.co/ffbe1x6O
00:35 from ついっぷる/twipple
00:37 from ついっぷる/twipple
00:40 from ついっぷる/twipple
00:41 from Power Twitter (Re: @donguri_maimi
@donguri_maimi 帰還しました!
00:44 from ついっぷる/twipple
00:50 from ついっぷる/twipple
00:54 from ついっぷる/twipple
01:02 from ついっぷる/twipple
01:58 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @BreakingNews: UPDATE: Google confirms cancellation of next week's Samsung event is out of respect to Steve Jobs' death - @SAI http:/ ...
06:07 from HootSuite
Woke up to watch #dbacks @ #brewers #nlds
06:15 from HootSuite
After tough call for Gallardo, Justin got walk. #dbacks #brewers
06:16 from HootSuite (Re: @masanobu_k
@masanobu_k おはようございます。
06:19 from HootSuite
Good ball. Good call!! #brewers
06:20 from Tweet Button
Steiner should sue A-Rod! lol Jeter Causes Memorabilia Man’s $1M Heartbreak - Bloomberg http://t.co/DJ7MCGLv via @BloombergNews #yankees
06:26 from HootSuite
I am looking forward to Niger Morgan's trash talk at World Series! lol #brewers
06:27 from HootSuite
Ryan Braun is really slump-less!! #brewers
06:36 from HootSuite
#dbacks Tatman has been in good shape thruout this series. What if this #14 had been a substitute for #13 of #yankees
06:43 from HootSuite
Although he was out, Ian Kennedy made a good job by having Gallardo pitch many balls #brewers #dbacks
06:58 from HootSuite
Just in time Upton! #dbacks
07:02 from HootSuite
Obama honors 1985 Chicago #Bears via @latimessports http://ow.ly/6R0Ma POTUS had happy time but also force ppl to have hard time to bear
07:05 from HootSuite
If #dbacks wins today w/Kennedy's good outing, he will be welcomed by AZ fans with "Kennedy for President".
07:16 from HootSuite
Zack has just started warm-up #brewers
07:17 from HootSuite
RT @profootballtalk: Barry Sanders replaces Hank Williams Jr for a week http://t.co/7IGQNqoW I thought Barry will sing that song! lol
by ilovenacky on Twitter
