そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-


5月3日(木)のつぶやき その1

2012-05-04 03:06:14 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
00:04 from TweetCaster for iOS

00:09 from TweetCaster for iOS

00:11 from TweetCaster for iOS
遠くてLinQにも真亜子ちゃんに会えないので、なっきぃに会ってきます... RT @maako_ikeda: 皆さんのGWの予定は、もちろん池田真亜子でs(ゴホンゴホン…LinQですよね!!!!1

06:07 RT from Flipboard  [ 17 RT ]
Ex-NFLer Seau found dead; cops probe suicide es.pn/IGDKVe

08:44 from RakutenSuperRecommend
今回はこちらのお米を買った! [楽天]r10.to/hp41xc わけあり処分☆4/23の週精米【送料無料】新米☆23年福島… #RakutenReview

08:59 from HootSuite (Re: @masanobu_k
@masanobu_k おはようございます

09:02 from HootSuite

09:03 from HootSuite
watching #Orioles @ #Yankees and listening to #rangers @ #capitals

09:07 from GetGlue.com
I'm watching Washington Capitals (72 others checked-in) is.gd/mj37UM @GetGlue #WashingtonCapitals

09:07 from HootSuite (Re: @kunimitsu000
@kunimitsu000 おはです!

09:12 from HootSuite (Re: @mayu_kishimayu
おは!! RT @mayu_kishimayu: おは!

09:15 from HootSuite
Far Cry! RT @cnbc: News Alert: "The Scream" painting by Edvard Munch sells at auction in New York for a record $119.5M including commission.

09:23 from HootSuite

09:36 from Tweet Button
The Big Doubt Over Facebook on.wsj.com/JnFTQi via @WSJ

09:45 from HootSuite

10:00 from HootSuite

10:37 from Tweet Button
「世界の終末は10月21日」、予言した米キリスト教徒は沈黙 | Reuters jp.reuters.com/article/mostVi…

10:55 from Tweet Button
ワシントンで痛感した 変わり行く世界と取り残される日本|言論NPO工藤泰志「議論の力」|ダイヤモンド・オンライン diamond.jp/articles/-/178… via @dol_editors

11:18 from HootSuite
RT @bnightengale: Carlos Beltran may be best pickup of winter. He's got 7 RBI alone tonight for #Cardinals as they continue to cruise #mlb

13:27 RT from TweetCaster for iOS  [ 13 RT ]
Jered Weaver three outs away from throwing a no-hitter. scores.nbcsports.msnbc.com/mlb/gameview.a… #twins #angels #mlb
NBC Sportsさんのツイート

13:31 from Seesmic
three out to no-hitter #angels

13:36 from Seesmic
Jered did IT! #angels

13:36 RT from Seesmic  [ 414 RT ]
WOW. There are no words. RIP a great legend in Junior Seau. My prayers to his kids.
Barry Sandersさんのツイート

13:37 from Seesmic
RT @MLB: BREAKING: #Angels ace Jered Weaver tosses no-hitter against the Twins: atmlb.com/JrPx4c

13:37 RT from Seesmic  [ 80 RT ]
I'm not sure there is anybody cooler than Jered Weaver's dad. One out from a no-hitter and he takes a sip of beer like it's nothing.
Jeff Passanさんのツイート

by ilovenacky on Twitter
