19:53 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @345480)
@345480 おかえり(^O^)/
19:57 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @345480)
@345480 うちまで来たらごはんあるよw
20:00 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @345480)
@345480 今からご飯炊いてお風呂用意して待つわ(マテ
20:05 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @345480)
@345480 ご飯にする?お風呂にする?それとも、オレ?の流れだな(キモイ
20:08 from TweetCaster for iOS
21:13 from foursquare
I'm at 碑文谷・立会川緑道 4sq.com/KAkRjK
21:14 from foursquare
I'm at 立会川緑道 大門橋 4sq.com/JVL8Kg
21:15 from foursquare
I'm at 円融寺 (東京都目黒区, 日本) 4sq.com/JZrH4n
21:30 from foursquare
I'm at ファミリーマート 原町二丁目店 (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/JFGeD6
22:08 from Tweet Button
on.wsj.com/MscoUh State TV Host Offers Advice on How to Throw Out Foreign Trash
22:24 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、ゴメンナサイだね、なっきぃ!! blog.goo.ne.jp/kaotan_rika/e/…
22:39 from Seesmic (Re: @345480)
@345480 おやすみ(^ー^)ノ
22:43 RT from Seesmic [ 10 RT ]
Full slate today: NHL/NBA playoffs, the Preakness, Champions League final and regular season MLB, MLS, and WNBA ... Find a couch. Get comfy!
(USA TODAY Sportsさんのツイート)
22:49 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @graaf_14)
@graaf_14 もうmixiやってないw
22:58 from TweetCaster for iOS
RT @ESPN_MLB: Miami #Marlins Ozzie Guillen on Miami #Heat Dwyane Wade -- 'He can guarantee a fight' es.pn/KtFqhu
23:04 from TweetCaster for iOS
#brewers RT @MLB: SAY HEY NORI: Aoki channels Willie Mays with this incredible over-the-shoulder grab: atmlb.com/JZD4ck
23:05 from TweetCaster for iOS
23:08 from TweetCaster for iOS
by ilovenacky on Twitter
@345480 おかえり(^O^)/
19:57 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @345480)
@345480 うちまで来たらごはんあるよw
20:00 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @345480)
@345480 今からご飯炊いてお風呂用意して待つわ(マテ
20:05 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @345480)
@345480 ご飯にする?お風呂にする?それとも、オレ?の流れだな(キモイ
20:08 from TweetCaster for iOS
21:13 from foursquare
I'm at 碑文谷・立会川緑道 4sq.com/KAkRjK
21:14 from foursquare
I'm at 立会川緑道 大門橋 4sq.com/JVL8Kg
21:15 from foursquare
I'm at 円融寺 (東京都目黒区, 日本) 4sq.com/JZrH4n
21:30 from foursquare
I'm at ファミリーマート 原町二丁目店 (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/JFGeD6
22:08 from Tweet Button
on.wsj.com/MscoUh State TV Host Offers Advice on How to Throw Out Foreign Trash
22:24 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、ゴメンナサイだね、なっきぃ!! blog.goo.ne.jp/kaotan_rika/e/…
22:39 from Seesmic (Re: @345480)
@345480 おやすみ(^ー^)ノ
22:43 RT from Seesmic [ 10 RT ]
Full slate today: NHL/NBA playoffs, the Preakness, Champions League final and regular season MLB, MLS, and WNBA ... Find a couch. Get comfy!
(USA TODAY Sportsさんのツイート)
22:49 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @graaf_14)
@graaf_14 もうmixiやってないw
22:58 from TweetCaster for iOS
RT @ESPN_MLB: Miami #Marlins Ozzie Guillen on Miami #Heat Dwyane Wade -- 'He can guarantee a fight' es.pn/KtFqhu
23:04 from TweetCaster for iOS
#brewers RT @MLB: SAY HEY NORI: Aoki channels Willie Mays with this incredible over-the-shoulder grab: atmlb.com/JZD4ck
23:05 from TweetCaster for iOS
23:08 from TweetCaster for iOS
by ilovenacky on Twitter