00:34 from Power Twitter
(my blog posting)記念すべき109回目 http://bit.ly/uQCfK
01:17 from Power Twitter
(my blog posting) [MLB短評]Heavyweight Series http://bit.ly/e9szA
01:19 from API
If you have been attempting to achieve a goal at work, today m... More for Capricorn http://bit.ly/mrA9a
01:33 from Power Twitter
Harvesting baseball's 'magic mud' - http://bit.ly/2e06im #cnn its the secret sauce of MLB!
02:26 from Power Twitter
(my blog posting) オレを田中れいなちゃんに会わせて下さい!! http://bit.ly/4v2gh9
07:53 from Power Twitter
as i dont wanna know the result of Wold Series, i wont access to twitter till tonight. im gonna office now. will watch recorded WS tonite
10:30 from web
@SI_24Seven - Six signs parity is dead in NFL - http://bit.ly/1eu86a
11:14 from ShareThis.com
Chiefs suspend RB Johnson following gay slurs - http://shar.es/ahR2P
Reebok NFLプレミア ジャージカンザスシティ チーフスラリー・ジョンソン #27 レッド
11:18 from web
@SI_24Seven - Sources: Scouts' return bad sign for GM Minaya - http://bit.ly/3px5Jy The future of another NY team is gloomy #MLB #Mets
12:34 from movatwitter
easily win 4 reina & linlin event @ ueno!
14:01 from ShareThis.com
Bills' Terrel Owens still upbeat despite 'pathetic' stats - http://shar.es/a4Qzl He tweets alot, but he scores little. but I like Owens
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Reebok Buffalo Bills Terrell Owens Replica Team Color Jersey
16:25 from web
@SI_24Seven - Flawed owner involvement is one of worst-kept secrets in sports - http://bit.ly/3VQWlD
18:11 from movatwitter
job is over. go home & watch world series! i dont know phillies won! lol
21:12 from Power Twitter
http://bit.ly/2YOsGs gooブログにしてはいい機能を付けた!
21:46 from Power Twitter
Currently reading http://bit.ly/3BYtb0
21:49 from Power Twitter
finished watching World Series G1. As even dormant Ibanies makes a hit, phillies will sweep Yankees!? Also, "CC" means "Cliff" and "Chase"!
21:53 from Power Twitter
http://bit.ly/h6a8B Congraturation on America's GDP growth!! But how long this growth last??
23:33 from Power Twitter
(my blog posting)[2009 ワールドシリーズ Game1]What does C.C stand for? http://bit.ly/3jryIs
23:36 from Power Twitter
Web pioneer recalls 'birth of the Internet' - http://bit.ly/2c1z1n happy birthday, Internet!! W/o it, I cant be what I am!
23:46 from Power Twitter
After Game 1 loss, Yanks reach a crisis point: http://bit.ly/2UIceB
Yankees' loss in G1 was just in an ugly fashion!.
by ilovereina on Twitter
(my blog posting)記念すべき109回目 http://bit.ly/uQCfK
01:17 from Power Twitter
(my blog posting) [MLB短評]Heavyweight Series http://bit.ly/e9szA
01:19 from API
If you have been attempting to achieve a goal at work, today m... More for Capricorn http://bit.ly/mrA9a
01:33 from Power Twitter
Harvesting baseball's 'magic mud' - http://bit.ly/2e06im #cnn its the secret sauce of MLB!
02:26 from Power Twitter
(my blog posting) オレを田中れいなちゃんに会わせて下さい!! http://bit.ly/4v2gh9
07:53 from Power Twitter
as i dont wanna know the result of Wold Series, i wont access to twitter till tonight. im gonna office now. will watch recorded WS tonite
10:30 from web
@SI_24Seven - Six signs parity is dead in NFL - http://bit.ly/1eu86a
11:14 from ShareThis.com
Chiefs suspend RB Johnson following gay slurs - http://shar.es/ahR2P
Reebok NFLプレミア ジャージカンザスシティ チーフスラリー・ジョンソン #27 レッド
11:18 from web
@SI_24Seven - Sources: Scouts' return bad sign for GM Minaya - http://bit.ly/3px5Jy The future of another NY team is gloomy #MLB #Mets
12:34 from movatwitter
easily win 4 reina & linlin event @ ueno!
14:01 from ShareThis.com
Bills' Terrel Owens still upbeat despite 'pathetic' stats - http://shar.es/a4Qzl He tweets alot, but he scores little. but I like Owens
NFL レプリカジャージ オーウェンス ビルズ
Reebok Buffalo Bills Terrell Owens Replica Team Color Jersey
16:25 from web
@SI_24Seven - Flawed owner involvement is one of worst-kept secrets in sports - http://bit.ly/3VQWlD
18:11 from movatwitter
job is over. go home & watch world series! i dont know phillies won! lol
21:12 from Power Twitter
http://bit.ly/2YOsGs gooブログにしてはいい機能を付けた!
21:46 from Power Twitter
Currently reading http://bit.ly/3BYtb0
21:49 from Power Twitter
finished watching World Series G1. As even dormant Ibanies makes a hit, phillies will sweep Yankees!? Also, "CC" means "Cliff" and "Chase"!
21:53 from Power Twitter
http://bit.ly/h6a8B Congraturation on America's GDP growth!! But how long this growth last??
23:33 from Power Twitter
(my blog posting)[2009 ワールドシリーズ Game1]What does C.C stand for? http://bit.ly/3jryIs
23:36 from Power Twitter
Web pioneer recalls 'birth of the Internet' - http://bit.ly/2c1z1n happy birthday, Internet!! W/o it, I cant be what I am!
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23:46 from Power Twitter
After Game 1 loss, Yanks reach a crisis point: http://bit.ly/2UIceB
Yankees' loss in G1 was just in an ugly fashion!.
by ilovereina on Twitter