そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-03-24 01:09:42 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
12:40 from TweetCaster (Re: @miz_setter
@miz_setter そうでしたか....申し訳ないです。
12:45 from TweetCaster
Another most volatile area of world RT @Reuters: FLASH: Explosions heard in Libyan capital Tripoli - Reuters witnesses
12:49 from TweetCaster
This rose is full of broom! RT @nytimessports: #Bulls 114, #Hawks 81: Rose Scores 30 to Help the Bulls Crush the Hawks http://bit.ly/esDyIr
14:26 from tGadget
RT @W7VOA: Nepal (with an annual per capita income of $450) said preparing to send aid biscuits to #Japan ($33,000 annual per capita inc ...
16:20 from Tweet Button
離陸前・着陸後の航空機内で携帯電話使用可能に-羽田など国内全空港で - 羽田経済新聞 http://t.co/VJqlGp0
19:28 from foursquare
I'm at Starbucks Coffee 麻布十番店 (麻布十番1-11-14, SBSビル 1階, 港区) http://4sq.com/h1v1a4
20:14 from TweetCaster
20:16 from TweetCaster
21:15 from ついっぷる/twipple
21:37 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @MerriamWebster: Word of the Day - billion : a thousand million http://bit.ly/elZYM8
21:38 from ついっぷる/twipple
そんなことならなっきぃといっぱいやらなきゃ!!(マテ RT @BloombergJapan: セックスや運動、低頻度だと心臓発作起こすリスク増大-米タフツ大 http://bloom.bg/fXv9aI
21:48 from Tweet Button
東電の供給危機は長期化の可能性、需要抑制策が当分は頼り | ビジネスニュース | Reuters http://t.co/SK71C9a
22:00 from HootSuite
RT @w7voa: VOA: #Japan businesses re-start production but problems remain - http://bit.ly/gOQdho
22:01 from HootSuite
RT @gma: Breaking: Elizabeth Taylor has died, @GMA confirms
22:02 from ついっぷる/twipple
RIP Riz Taylor, the most dramatic woman of 20th (and maybe 21st) century.
22:07 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @GMA: Elizabeth Taylor was 79 years old. "In addition to her children, she is survived by 10 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. ...
22:09 from ついっぷる/twipple
22:15 from HootSuite
Elizabeth Taylor may be the final person who could represent the real Hollywood.
22:19 from HootSuite
RT @reuters: FLASH: Casualties in Jerusalem explosion, near city's main bus station - ambulance service, according to Israel radio
22:22 from ついっぷる/twipple
22:29 from ついっぷる/twipple
22:32 from web
RT @katiecouric: National Velvet, Cleopatra, Who's Afraid of Va Wolf, so many memories of a Hollywood icon. Happy she was w/ her family. ...
22:40 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @SI_PeterKing: RT @DylanFan71: Vick is fortunate he can play. Most second chances are parole and minimum wage-if they can find that . ...
22:54 from web
オレが最初に買ったBBカードのパックにはジーターのルーキーカードが入ってたという自慢w A first pack of baseball cards creates a lifetime memory - http://bit.ly/eYROVT /via @SI_24Seven
23:05 from ついっぷる/twipple
by ilovenacky on Twitter
