11:56 from HootSuite
12:09 from HootSuite
Will Holiday season begin with Holiday? #stlcards
12:12 from HootSuite
Holiday crushes...bat #stlcards #phillies
12:18 from TweetCaster for iOS
When in need, Pence comes! #Phillies
12:25 from Path 2.0
12:31 from foursquare
I'm at 田向公園 4sq.com/JAvkMn
12:40 from foursquare
I'm at 学芸大学駅 (TY05) (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KqRnpW
12:48 from foursquare
I'm at 中目黒駅 (Naka-meguro Sta.) (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KhnmtU
13:05 from foursquare
I'm at 霞ケ関駅 (Kasumigaseki Sta.) (千代田区, 東京都) 4sq.com/JKI29m
13:33 from foursquare
I'm at 北千住駅 (Kita-Senju Sta.) (足立区, 東京都) w/ 8 others 4sq.com/L1sC2v
13:39 from foursquare
I'm at 東武伊勢崎線 荒川放水路橋梁 (足立区, 東京都) 4sq.com/L1tdRF
13:40 from TweetCaster for iOS
13:42 from TweetCaster for iOS
13:43 from TweetCaster for iOS
13:49 from TweetCaster for iOS
RT @MLB: #Phillies won in 10 because Carlos Ruiz blocked the plate like a MAN in the 8th: atmlb.com/KqSiXB
13:51 from foursquare
I'm at 新越谷駅 (Shin-Koshigaya Sta.) (越谷市, 埼玉県) 4sq.com/KNQnLz
13:53 from foursquare
I'm at VARIE 新越谷店 (越谷市, 埼玉県) 4sq.com/LwE052
13:59 from foursquare
ついこの間来たよなあ~ (@ 越谷サンシティホール) 4sq.com/LwEsQZ
14:02 from foursquare
I'm at ダイエー 南越谷店 (越谷市, 埼玉県) w/ 2 others 4sq.com/L1vZ9w
14:19 from Path 2.0
Like this @dodgers icon! [pic] ? path.com/p/2u3vdV
15:04 from Seesmic
15:28 from Seesmic
15:29 from Seesmic
15:30 from Seesmic
16:47 from foursquare
I'm at ヴィドフランス 新越谷ヴァリエ店 (越谷市, 埼玉県) 4sq.com/JTK7pm
by ilovenacky on Twitter
12:09 from HootSuite
Will Holiday season begin with Holiday? #stlcards
12:12 from HootSuite
Holiday crushes...bat #stlcards #phillies
12:18 from TweetCaster for iOS
When in need, Pence comes! #Phillies
12:25 from Path 2.0
12:31 from foursquare
I'm at 田向公園 4sq.com/JAvkMn
12:40 from foursquare
I'm at 学芸大学駅 (TY05) (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KqRnpW
12:48 from foursquare
I'm at 中目黒駅 (Naka-meguro Sta.) (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KhnmtU
13:05 from foursquare
I'm at 霞ケ関駅 (Kasumigaseki Sta.) (千代田区, 東京都) 4sq.com/JKI29m
13:33 from foursquare
I'm at 北千住駅 (Kita-Senju Sta.) (足立区, 東京都) w/ 8 others 4sq.com/L1sC2v
13:39 from foursquare
I'm at 東武伊勢崎線 荒川放水路橋梁 (足立区, 東京都) 4sq.com/L1tdRF
13:40 from TweetCaster for iOS
13:42 from TweetCaster for iOS
13:43 from TweetCaster for iOS
13:49 from TweetCaster for iOS
RT @MLB: #Phillies won in 10 because Carlos Ruiz blocked the plate like a MAN in the 8th: atmlb.com/KqSiXB
13:51 from foursquare
I'm at 新越谷駅 (Shin-Koshigaya Sta.) (越谷市, 埼玉県) 4sq.com/KNQnLz
13:53 from foursquare
I'm at VARIE 新越谷店 (越谷市, 埼玉県) 4sq.com/LwE052
13:59 from foursquare
ついこの間来たよなあ~ (@ 越谷サンシティホール) 4sq.com/LwEsQZ
14:02 from foursquare
I'm at ダイエー 南越谷店 (越谷市, 埼玉県) w/ 2 others 4sq.com/L1vZ9w
14:19 from Path 2.0
Like this @dodgers icon! [pic] ? path.com/p/2u3vdV
15:04 from Seesmic
15:28 from Seesmic
15:29 from Seesmic
15:30 from Seesmic
16:47 from foursquare
I'm at ヴィドフランス 新越谷ヴァリエ店 (越谷市, 埼玉県) 4sq.com/JTK7pm
by ilovenacky on Twitter