そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-04-24 01:10:34 | 日常生活
21:38 from TweetCaster
RT @Reuters: FLASH: U.S. launches first predator drone strike in Libya - Pentagon
21:39 from TweetCaster
attacking the funeral should be condemned #Syria
21:42 from TweetCaster
RT @washingtonpost: Unlike regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, Syrian authorities appear to retain tight control over army and police. http:// ...
21:44 from TweetCaster
RT @AdamSchefter: Details still coming into ESPN, but Dolphins WR Brandon Marshal was stabbed and taken to a hospital, where he has been ...
21:51 from TweetCaster
#dolphins #nfl RT @ochocinco: All of you keep my dude @bmarshall19 in your prayers as he recovers in intensive care this morning. #prayers
by ilovenacky on Twitter
