そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-09-28 01:13:21 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
07:42 from goo
なっきぃ、全力少女だね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://t.co/LrCZQDnS
07:55 from goo
なっきぃ、新しい扉が開いたね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://t.co/Px1dH7bt
10:27 from tGadget
RT @RossTuckerNFL: I know they are friends but does Romo have to throw it to Witten on every play?
11:44 from tGadget
RT @USATODAYsports: Ozzie Guillen tells #WhiteSox he wants out; likely will be traded to #Marlins http://t.co/6U8oUegx
12:00 from tGadget
RT @jimmyfallon: The inventor of Doritos has passed away at 97. He asked to be buried with the creator of Fritos and Cheetos in a variet ...
12:02 from tGadget
RT @whitesox: The White Sox have agreed to Ozzie Guillen’s request to be released from his contract, allowing the manager to pursue othe ...
12:19 from foursquare
I'm at プロント 勝どき店 (勝どき1-8-1, 地下1階, 中央区) http://t.co/CU5gxqr1
12:23 from Tweet Button
Guillen's run is done http://t.co/EwSyHD0U
12:25 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @whitesox: Guillen: "Fans won't forget me, they can't forget me. My picture is up here, I hope they don't take it down (laughs)" #Whi ...
12:28 from TweetCaster for Android
What Ozzie brought to south side? Dismal, fun and WS champ. #whitesox
12:29 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @jaysonst: Ozzie: "A lot of people out there hate me, and now they're happy."
12:35 from TweetCaster for Android
朝から全力で更新しすぎてもう眠いですw RT @wakidama73: 管理人が全力すぎて気持ちが良いwww RT なっきぃ、全力少女だね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://t.co/LrCZQDnS
12:42 from TweetCaster for Android
12:45 from TweetCaster for Android
Dan King! RT @dallas_news: #Cowboys beat #Redskins 18-16. Or maybe we should say Dan Bailey 18, Redskins 16.
12:52 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @CBC1053: 【公開録音のお知らせ】10/27(木)19時から日本経済新聞プレゼンツ CBCラジオ公開録音「SKE48と始める日経」を開催します。入場には下記リンクから応募が必要です。会場、出演メンバーの詳細もこちらでご確認を>http://ow.ly/6FI ...
12:54 from TweetCaster for Android
13:03 from tGadget
RT @hbryant42: If the Red Sox don't make the playoffs, this will be as spectacular a collapse as 2004 was a spectacular comeback. Could ...
17:14 from TweetCaster for Android
18:54 from TweetCaster for Android
18:59 from TweetCaster for Android
19:19 from foursquare
I'm at 芝公園 (Shiba Park) (芝公園 4-8-4, 港区) http://t.co/aXkyWyyu
22:00 from goo
なっきぃ、姉さん事件です!だね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://t.co/B2XTzVZN
22:08 from ついっぷる/twipple
22:13 from Tweet Button
@nifty:デイリーポータルZ:日本初!ダイブするアイドルとは http://t.co/Y7bBjmEM
22:19 from goo
なっきぃ、髪飾りの少女だね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://t.co/hj7a60iq
by ilovenacky on Twitter
