12:24 from TweetCaster for iOS
12:29 RT from TweetCaster for iOS [ 3 RT ]
Mail-order today's edition of the JT from anywhere in the world. 今日のジャパンタイムズをキオスク、または郵送で購入できます: jtsales@ japantimes.co.jp
(The Japan Times さんのツイート)
12:30 from TweetCaster for iOS
12:32 RT from TweetCaster for iOS [ 271 RT ]
Viva Brazil! Yan Gomes becomes the first Brazilian-born player in MLB history: atmlb.com/KG9QQz
12:37 from TweetCaster for iOS
#LAKings > King James?
14:28 RT from tGadget [ 3 RT ]
This Vilma v NFL lawsuit could get rrrrrreally messy. Sorry to say it, but Vilma might have a case. Seems there's a lot of hearsay involved.
(Ryan Wagnerさんのツイート)
15:29 from tGadget
がんばってくれでござる! RT @mayu_kishimayu: レッスンに向かうでござる♪
15:36 from TweetCaster for iOS
15:37 from TweetCaster for iOS
15:49 RT from tGadget [ 13 RT ]
17:25 from TweetCaster for iOS
17:27 from TweetCaster for iOS
17:47 from foursquare
I'm at 日本武道館 w/ @mirai_ken @wada0623 @love_eric @321dosoon @niga_mushi @gulliverdj @mayo6311 @rishamaru @eririnloman 4sq.com/J29qQA
21:00 from Path 2.0
thanx aika & risa! [pic] ? path.com/p/42RNzY
21:02 from Path 2.0
musume IS great and will be [pic] ? path.com/p/1pxa5T
21:02 from foursquare
I'm at 江戸城 田安門 (千代田区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KkOVxU
22:37 from TweetCaster for iOS
22:39 from TweetCaster for iOS
おつかれ~気をつけてね。RT @mayu_kishimayu: さっ、帰るばーい(*^^*)
22:43 from TweetCaster for iOS
22:45 from foursquare
I'm at 淡路町駅 (Awajicho Sta.) (M19) (千代田区, 東京都) 4sq.com/M0Osok
23:29 from TweetCaster for iOS
きしまゆさんはいつまで見てても飽きないよ! RT @mayu_kishimayu: 星空飽きるまでみときたーい(*^^*)
23:31 from foursquare
I'm at 明顕山 祐天寺 (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KfOXco
23:43 from foursquare
I'm at 学芸大学駅 (TY05) (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KY1mnm
23:44 from foursquare
I'm at 学芸大学東急ストア (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/Leb7KQ
23:46 from foursquare
I'm at 碑文谷 4sq.com/KuAyZH
by ilovenacky on Twitter
12:29 RT from TweetCaster for iOS [ 3 RT ]
Mail-order today's edition of the JT from anywhere in the world. 今日のジャパンタイムズをキオスク、または郵送で購入できます: jtsales@ japantimes.co.jp
(The Japan Times さんのツイート)
12:30 from TweetCaster for iOS
12:32 RT from TweetCaster for iOS [ 271 RT ]
Viva Brazil! Yan Gomes becomes the first Brazilian-born player in MLB history: atmlb.com/KG9QQz
12:37 from TweetCaster for iOS
#LAKings > King James?
14:28 RT from tGadget [ 3 RT ]
This Vilma v NFL lawsuit could get rrrrrreally messy. Sorry to say it, but Vilma might have a case. Seems there's a lot of hearsay involved.
(Ryan Wagnerさんのツイート)
15:29 from tGadget
がんばってくれでござる! RT @mayu_kishimayu: レッスンに向かうでござる♪
15:36 from TweetCaster for iOS
15:37 from TweetCaster for iOS
15:49 RT from tGadget [ 13 RT ]
17:25 from TweetCaster for iOS
17:27 from TweetCaster for iOS
17:47 from foursquare
I'm at 日本武道館 w/ @mirai_ken @wada0623 @love_eric @321dosoon @niga_mushi @gulliverdj @mayo6311 @rishamaru @eririnloman 4sq.com/J29qQA
21:00 from Path 2.0
thanx aika & risa! [pic] ? path.com/p/42RNzY
21:02 from Path 2.0
musume IS great and will be [pic] ? path.com/p/1pxa5T
21:02 from foursquare
I'm at 江戸城 田安門 (千代田区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KkOVxU
22:37 from TweetCaster for iOS
22:39 from TweetCaster for iOS
おつかれ~気をつけてね。RT @mayu_kishimayu: さっ、帰るばーい(*^^*)
22:43 from TweetCaster for iOS
22:45 from foursquare
I'm at 淡路町駅 (Awajicho Sta.) (M19) (千代田区, 東京都) 4sq.com/M0Osok
23:29 from TweetCaster for iOS
きしまゆさんはいつまで見てても飽きないよ! RT @mayu_kishimayu: 星空飽きるまでみときたーい(*^^*)
23:31 from foursquare
I'm at 明顕山 祐天寺 (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KfOXco
23:43 from foursquare
I'm at 学芸大学駅 (TY05) (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/KY1mnm
23:44 from foursquare
I'm at 学芸大学東急ストア (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/Leb7KQ
23:46 from foursquare
I'm at 碑文谷 4sq.com/KuAyZH
by ilovenacky on Twitter