10:16 from Power Twitter
http://bit.ly/4N0Q8S a liitle late good morning! today is Japanese Labour Day. This week's Music Monday is "GO ZYX! Fly High!" by C-ute
10:16 from Power Twitter
Lets watch #Eagles vs #Bears!!
10:34 from TweetDeck
great block by eagles OLs
10:45 from TweetDeck
RT @mcuban: Shocking News ? Fox may exit Google Index ? http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a243c8b2-d79b-11de-b578-00144feabdc0.html?ftcamp=rss
10:54 from TweetDeck
today's eagles offense blocking is good! doesnt give no answer to Bears D
11:08 from Power Twitter
Jay Cutler cant do a good job at night... according to SNF of NBC. Maybe he feels sleepy lol
12:16 from ShareThis.com
Goodell fields questions from Chargers, 49ers - http://shar.es/aiApy
23:00 from API
You have been performing under pressure lately so it's no surp... More for Capricorn http://twittascope.com/twittascope/?sign=10
by ilovereina on Twitter
http://bit.ly/4N0Q8S a liitle late good morning! today is Japanese Labour Day. This week's Music Monday is "GO ZYX! Fly High!" by C-ute
10:16 from Power Twitter
Lets watch #Eagles vs #Bears!!
10:34 from TweetDeck
great block by eagles OLs
10:45 from TweetDeck
RT @mcuban: Shocking News ? Fox may exit Google Index ? http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a243c8b2-d79b-11de-b578-00144feabdc0.html?ftcamp=rss
10:54 from TweetDeck
today's eagles offense blocking is good! doesnt give no answer to Bears D
11:08 from Power Twitter
Jay Cutler cant do a good job at night... according to SNF of NBC. Maybe he feels sleepy lol
12:16 from ShareThis.com
Goodell fields questions from Chargers, 49ers - http://shar.es/aiApy
23:00 from API
You have been performing under pressure lately so it's no surp... More for Capricorn http://twittascope.com/twittascope/?sign=10
by ilovereina on Twitter