そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2010-06-13 00:06:28 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
00:01 from Tumblr
Photo: なっきぃ http://tumblr.com/xjibd5oz4
00:02 from Tumblr
Photo: なっきぃ!! http://tumblr.com/xjibd5r4i
00:04 from Tumblr
Photo: みかんとなっきぃ!! http://tumblr.com/xjibd5tsj
00:05 from Tumblr
Photoset: 帽子となっきぃ!! 以上こちらより→ http://ow.ly/1XfpK http://tumblr.com/xjibd5wnu
00:12 from HootSuite
@CBSSportsはスティーブ・ナッシュ(@the_real_nash)をSAへ送り込んでいるんだな・・・ファイナル進出していたらどうするつもりだったんだろう? Steve Nash Heads 2 SA http://youtu.be/yd6EDydXR24
00:14 from HootSuite
RT @CBSSports: For a uh, different, take on the World Cup follow @the_real_nash as our Cup correspondent reports from South Africa #ff
00:14 from HootSuite
lol RT @mikefabianonfl: Sorry, but football to me is the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE!!! And there's no better sport in the world. Period.
00:28 from HootSuite
Gute Nacht! RT @erina_mano: Good night(^з^)-☆ #manoerina
00:39 from HootSuite
[my blog posting] 6月11日(金)のつぶやき - 07:49 from HootSuite 昨日も美女学を見ることなく寝ていました。録画はしてい http://ow.ly/17Hmz4
02:10 from HootSuite
RT @BloombergJapan: 日本のビジネスマンの「ビア・マネー」過去8年間で最低に-民間調査 http://bit.ly/9tVr3s
07:37 from HootSuite
RT @nytimes: Disease Threatens Japan’s Trade in Prime Beef http://nyti.ms/9TOJ6S
07:49 from HootSuite
Good morning, what's up? RT @erina_mano: Good morning♪(´ε` ) #manoerina
08:01 from HootSuite
Welcome back #interleague !! Waiting for #redsox vs. #Phillies #mlb
08:38 from HootSuite
Jamie Moyer cant stop #redsox , allows 5 run, still makes 30 pitches... #Phillies #mlb #interleague
08:40 from HootSuite
Long long bottom of 1st continues! #Phillies @ #Redsox #mlb #interleague
09:11 from HootSuite
When #Phillies hitters came to the plate? lol #redsox #interleague #mlb
09:16 from HootSuite
I also wait for Carlos! RT @nytimessports: Mets’ Manuel Anticipates Beltran’s Return http://bit.ly/9odWid #mets #mlb
09:18 from HootSuite
「両打席で打てるスイッチヒッター」っていう言い方はおかしくて「両打席でよく打てるスイッチヒッター」が正しい表現 #jsports
09:19 from HootSuite
RT @jaysonst: Another first for Jamie Moyer: First pitcher in last 59 seasons to give up 6 doubles but only get 3 outs. The line:...
09:22 from HootSuite
09:25 from HootSuite
冷えてないのは仕方ないだろうけど良心的な値段でよかったです。RT @momo_puni: 税込み100円です、でも冷えてません
09:46 from HootSuite
09:49 from HootSuite
10:25 from HootSuite
[my blog posting] なっきぃ、大切な日だったね、なっきぃ!! - なっきぃのブログより: なっきぃ、昨日は天気がどうこう言っている場合 http://ow.ly/17HNpx
11:01 from HootSuite
watching #freewayseries #angels @ #dodgers #mlb #interleague
by ilovenacky on Twitter
