そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-11-17 01:15:07 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
07:14 from HootSuite
今日はなっきぃソロブログ開設記念日です http://t.co/subZJdZ5
07:19 from HootSuite
07:20 from HootSuite
07:23 from HootSuite (Re: @chiaki_yo
@chiaki_yo おはよー!!
07:24 from HootSuite
. RT @darrenrovell: TBS Sports prez David Levy on the future of sports broadcasting in 3D: "I think it's going to be tough."
07:25 from HootSuite
If you want to watch sports game in 3D, go to stadium, right?
08:52 from foursquare
I'm at 並木通り(銀座) (東京都中央区銀座, Chuo-ku) http://t.co/kK9K8CYC
08:59 from foursquare
I'm at どらっぐぱぱす 築地店 (築地1-12-6, 築地えとビル, 中央区) http://t.co/1JfdlXBJ
12:24 from TweetCaster for Android
12:25 from TweetCaster for Android
Great 903 wins! RT @CBSSports: Mike Krzyzewski now has the most wins in Division I history with 903. Story: http://t.co/66zMhos7
12:30 from foursquare
I'm at プロント 勝どき店 (勝どき1-8-1, 地下1階, 中央区) http://t.co/3prmShrE
12:34 from TweetCaster for Android
Duke's Mike Krzyzewski passes Bob Knight on wins list : http://t.co/lVYXFe1P
12:37 from TweetCaster for Android
Can we see NBA superstars in the court? Some December #NBA games lost; players file suits : http://t.co/qhymkTmp
12:38 from TweetCaster for Android (Re: @michi4ge_empire
@michi4ge_empire 違います、フクちゃんですw
12:42 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @TIME: Why do so many pro athletes go broke? Former MLB player @dougglanville answers on @TIMEIdeas | http://t.co/SoszRK2j
12:46 from TweetCaster for Android
12:48 from TweetCaster for Android
12:50 from TweetCaster for Android
Mark may take northern-bound redline? RT @jonmorosi: #Cubs have had multiple discussions with the agent for Mark Buehrle, source says.
18:49 from foursquare
I'm at 銀座四丁目交差点 (銀座4-5 / 銀座4-6 / 銀座5-7 / 銀座5-8, 中央通り / 晴海通り, 中央区) http://t.co/yYs1QAG6
18:54 from foursquare
I'm at 山野楽器 銀座本店 (銀座4-5-6, 中央区) http://t.co/JNp452CG
19:25 from foursquare
I'm at 麻布十番 (麻布十番, 港区) http://t.co/lzm1IXpx
19:40 from foursquare
I'm at ツルハドラッグ 白金台店 (白金台3-15-6, マスレンビル 1F, 港区) http://t.co/Klx9ySNg
19:51 from foursquare
I'm at 目黒郵便局前 交差点 (目黒本町1-15 / 目黒本町2-6 / 中央町1, 目黒区) http://t.co/4wD8p5dX
21:26 from Tumblr
Photo: ニャン×2 http://t.co/sYtUoSo5
21:32 from HootSuite
by ilovenacky on Twitter
