06:15 from TweetDeck
Good morning. I missed watching #Raven-#Patriots game. But Im ready to watch #Cardinals-#Packers game now!!
06:43 from TweetDeck
Aaron Rogers should have thrown away!!
06:48 from TweetDeck
TD cardinals. Very solid offense series.
06:52 from TweetDeck
Watching Going on! by Guardians 4. Very cute song!! I like it!! #musicmonday http://tinyurl.com/yh9sy3b
06:55 from TweetDeck
Packers cant hold the ball again!! Danbey made a good tackle.
06:58 from TweetDeck
#Packers can do nothing!! But its interesting how Packers respond after it.
07:15 from TweetDeck
#Packers managed 2 stp #Cardinals by FG. But Cards show how easy they cn get 1st dn. Packers show how hard they go as far as 3rd dn.
07:23 from TweetDeck
#Packers playoff finally starts with Rodgers-Jennings pass.
07:24 from TweetDeck
All what Packers do goes wrong.
07:29 from TweetDeck
Charles Woodson shows his gut
07:50 from TweetDeck
Havent Cardinals punted in this game yet?
07:54 from TweetDeck
#Packers completely lost their way in the desert.
08:08 from TweetDeck (Re: @Jupiters_Crunch)
@Jupiters_Crunch Yes, I live in Tokyo.
08:18 from TweetDeck
Watching GB-ARZ over breakfast. Today is a holiday in Japan. RT @Jupiters_Crunch: @ilovereina thats wats up....
08:30 from TweetDeck
Cardinals give Packers no time to think about how to respond.
12:47 from TweetDeck
(my blog posting)なっきぃ、前を向いてGoing On!だね、なっきぃ!! http://tinyurl.com/yfkdw3z
14:42 from Keitai Web
15:04 from Keitai Web
18:03 from TweetDeck
18:30 from TweetDeck
Kitty Foiled (Tom and Jerry) http://tinyurl.com/yhsqt7q 数あるトムとジェリーのショートムービーの中でも超最高傑作!!短さを感じさせないテンポの良さに内容の濃さと、オチが素晴らしすぎます!!
19:06 from ShareThis.com
One word sums up Dallas Cowboys' solution for success | Jean-Jacques Taylor Columns | Sports News |
News for Dalla... http://shar.es/aF7Wd
19:13 from web
Viewing: Phil Sheridan: Eagles need defensive help http://philly.com/u/?w=168316&i=81103092
20:27 from TweetDeck
Dallas Cowboys get little satisfaction out of beating the Eagles | David Moore Dallas Cowboys Columns | Sports News ... http://shar.es/aF74z
20:41 from TweetDeck
(my blog posting)[NFL短評]ワイルドカード プレイオフ イーグルス@カウボーイズ http://tinyurl.com/ygc3myf
22:14 from TweetDeck
(my blog posting)[NBA短評]Bullets, Wizards and Guns http://tinyurl.com/yguh3nc
by ilovereina on Twitter
Good morning. I missed watching #Raven-#Patriots game. But Im ready to watch #Cardinals-#Packers game now!!
06:43 from TweetDeck
Aaron Rogers should have thrown away!!
06:48 from TweetDeck
TD cardinals. Very solid offense series.
06:52 from TweetDeck
Watching Going on! by Guardians 4. Very cute song!! I like it!! #musicmonday http://tinyurl.com/yh9sy3b
06:55 from TweetDeck
Packers cant hold the ball again!! Danbey made a good tackle.
06:58 from TweetDeck
#Packers can do nothing!! But its interesting how Packers respond after it.
07:15 from TweetDeck
#Packers managed 2 stp #Cardinals by FG. But Cards show how easy they cn get 1st dn. Packers show how hard they go as far as 3rd dn.
07:23 from TweetDeck
#Packers playoff finally starts with Rodgers-Jennings pass.
07:24 from TweetDeck
All what Packers do goes wrong.
07:29 from TweetDeck
Charles Woodson shows his gut
07:50 from TweetDeck
Havent Cardinals punted in this game yet?
07:54 from TweetDeck
#Packers completely lost their way in the desert.
08:08 from TweetDeck (Re: @Jupiters_Crunch)
@Jupiters_Crunch Yes, I live in Tokyo.
08:18 from TweetDeck
Watching GB-ARZ over breakfast. Today is a holiday in Japan. RT @Jupiters_Crunch: @ilovereina thats wats up....
08:30 from TweetDeck
Cardinals give Packers no time to think about how to respond.
12:47 from TweetDeck
(my blog posting)なっきぃ、前を向いてGoing On!だね、なっきぃ!! http://tinyurl.com/yfkdw3z
14:42 from Keitai Web
15:04 from Keitai Web
環境政治学入門―地球環境問題の国際的解決へのアプローチ 蟹江 憲史 丸善 このアイテムの詳細を見る |
18:03 from TweetDeck
18:30 from TweetDeck
Kitty Foiled (Tom and Jerry) http://tinyurl.com/yhsqt7q 数あるトムとジェリーのショートムービーの中でも超最高傑作!!短さを感じさせないテンポの良さに内容の濃さと、オチが素晴らしすぎます!!
19:06 from ShareThis.com
One word sums up Dallas Cowboys' solution for success | Jean-Jacques Taylor Columns | Sports News |
News for Dalla... http://shar.es/aF7Wd
19:13 from web
Viewing: Phil Sheridan: Eagles need defensive help http://philly.com/u/?w=168316&i=81103092
20:27 from TweetDeck
Dallas Cowboys get little satisfaction out of beating the Eagles | David Moore Dallas Cowboys Columns | Sports News ... http://shar.es/aF74z
20:41 from TweetDeck
(my blog posting)[NFL短評]ワイルドカード プレイオフ イーグルス@カウボーイズ http://tinyurl.com/ygc3myf
22:14 from TweetDeck
(my blog posting)[NBA短評]Bullets, Wizards and Guns http://tinyurl.com/yguh3nc
by ilovereina on Twitter