そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-09-12 01:14:10 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
20:48 from ついっぷる/twipple
20:52 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @JimNorton: 'Never Forget 9-11' doesn't mean we should live in fear, but it doesn't mean we should be the same PC dummies we were bef ...
20:55 from Tweet Button
ザ・インタビューズで「ilovenacky2さん」にインタビューする #theinterviews http://t.co/Rn2Ixas
21:31 from ついっぷる/twipple
watching TWIB featuring #padres
21:49 from Google
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/ZBAFm2w GAM - Junketsu ~Only~ 純潔~Only~ (GAM 1st Concert Tour 2007)
21:51 from Tweet Button
「甘い誘惑」もいい選曲だったけど、個人的にはGAMならこっちを見たかったかも!! GAM - 純潔~Only~ (GAM 1st Concert Tour 2007) http://t.co/8Kl3Jra via @youtube
21:52 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @WSJ: Ten years ago, around this minute, American Flight 11 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center http://t.co/zjdjRTA
22:04 from HootSuite
September 11 means "Plots were made for a long time, Planes hit WWC and were fallen in a flash and sorrow and prays are forever".
22:15 from web
RT @USATODAY: Al Jazeera: Taliban offered to give up Bin Laden for trial before 9/11 http://t.co/VSXkuE6
22:34 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/6r618 9/11で覚えてるのは飛行機の映像よりこの演説。よくもあれだけの短時間かつ非常事態でこんな原稿を作ったと感心した。
22:39 from Tweet Button
The Freedom Tower glows behind a wall of remembrance in lower Manhattan on 9-10-11. #NeverForget #USA http://t.co/CsPVy8f via @twitpic
22:45 from HootSuite
#NHK のBS1でも911追悼関連の番組をやってるけど、あれこれレポートを入れるより淡々と目の前の式典を中継してる方がいい。今は記者の視点を知る時間ではない。問題はNHKにはそこまでの中継能力がないこと。
23:23 from Tweet Button
なっきぃ以外のブログもチェックしてますか? - ilovenacky2 [ザ・インタビューズ] #theinterviews http://t.co/DBPA5Lm
23:31 from HootSuite
23:42 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @USATODAY: Paul Simon sings Sounds of Silence at the #Sept11 memorial ceremonies in #NYC http://t.co/X2Z6lWi
23:43 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @ABC: RT @gma: It took 6 years to build the WTC towers. It took only 102 minutes to fall. #911Remembered
by ilovenacky on Twitter
