11:49 from HootSuite
Great catch and throw by Furcal!!
11:57 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @JeffPassan: Best quote of the night, from Brewers GM Doug Melvin: "I might have to start my Tweeter account. I don't have one. I mig ...
12:02 from HootSuite
Madson made 1-2-3 inning. Carpenter vs Utley, Pence and Howard. #Stlcards #Phillies
12:06 from HootSuite
Carpenter made a good pitch when #Stlcards clinch PO berth. Now he is about to lead cardinals to NLCS with Great pitch.
12:08 from HootSuite
#Phillies taught us even the team with 4 great starting pitchers can not secure WS champion.
12:09 from HootSuite
12:11 from HootSuite
12:13 from HootSuite
Who could predict both #redsox and #phillies could not go to league championship this Spring?
12:17 from HootSuite
12:18 from HootSuite
RT @johnaxford: Unreal finish! This team is unbelievable! And home field advantage once again! Keep it crazy #brewernation! Thanks 4 the fun
12:19 from HootSuite
I will watch #brewers-#stlcards game over Coors Light
12:21 from HootSuite
15:36 from foursquare
I'm at OKストア 新用賀店 (用賀4-21-1, 世田谷区) http://t.co/CBgDEW11
16:06 from TweetCaster for Android
16:09 from foursquare
I'm at Starbucks Coffee 用賀店 (瀬田5-39-22, 世田谷区) http://t.co/8voBD0xz
16:36 from Tweet Button
Suzuka and Its Racing Track Offer a Mix of Amusements http://t.co/n8ksZYaq
16:42 from Tweet Button
Tigers-Rangers Series May Signal A.L. East Power Shift http://t.co/HykOUOxx Good bye East Coast Bias!
16:45 from Tweet Button
Currently reading http://t.co/ZajWBWTS
17:25 from TweetCaster for Android
17:30 from TweetCaster for Android
17:31 from TweetCaster for Android
17:35 from TweetCaster for Android
17:37 from TweetCaster for Android
18:10 from foursquare
I'm at ドンキホーテ 等々力店 (等々力7-2-5, 世田谷区) http://t.co/xVSQCiop
18:21 from foursquare
I'm at 柿の木坂陸橋交差点 (目黒区) http://t.co/1daGIOYX
by ilovenacky on Twitter
Great catch and throw by Furcal!!
11:57 from TweetCaster for Android
RT @JeffPassan: Best quote of the night, from Brewers GM Doug Melvin: "I might have to start my Tweeter account. I don't have one. I mig ...
12:02 from HootSuite
Madson made 1-2-3 inning. Carpenter vs Utley, Pence and Howard. #Stlcards #Phillies
12:06 from HootSuite
Carpenter made a good pitch when #Stlcards clinch PO berth. Now he is about to lead cardinals to NLCS with Great pitch.
12:08 from HootSuite
#Phillies taught us even the team with 4 great starting pitchers can not secure WS champion.
12:09 from HootSuite
12:11 from HootSuite
12:13 from HootSuite
Who could predict both #redsox and #phillies could not go to league championship this Spring?
12:17 from HootSuite
12:18 from HootSuite
RT @johnaxford: Unreal finish! This team is unbelievable! And home field advantage once again! Keep it crazy #brewernation! Thanks 4 the fun
12:19 from HootSuite
I will watch #brewers-#stlcards game over Coors Light
12:21 from HootSuite
15:36 from foursquare
I'm at OKストア 新用賀店 (用賀4-21-1, 世田谷区) http://t.co/CBgDEW11
16:06 from TweetCaster for Android
16:09 from foursquare
I'm at Starbucks Coffee 用賀店 (瀬田5-39-22, 世田谷区) http://t.co/8voBD0xz
16:36 from Tweet Button
Suzuka and Its Racing Track Offer a Mix of Amusements http://t.co/n8ksZYaq
16:42 from Tweet Button
Tigers-Rangers Series May Signal A.L. East Power Shift http://t.co/HykOUOxx Good bye East Coast Bias!
16:45 from Tweet Button
Currently reading http://t.co/ZajWBWTS
17:25 from TweetCaster for Android
17:30 from TweetCaster for Android
17:31 from TweetCaster for Android
17:35 from TweetCaster for Android
17:37 from TweetCaster for Android
18:10 from foursquare
I'm at ドンキホーテ 等々力店 (等々力7-2-5, 世田谷区) http://t.co/xVSQCiop
18:21 from foursquare
I'm at 柿の木坂陸橋交差点 (目黒区) http://t.co/1daGIOYX
by ilovenacky on Twitter