00:15 from HootSuite
06:11 from Tweet Button
オバマがSNS好きだからか政府の視点がよいからかはわからないけど、こういうことをやってのけるアメリカってすごいのか、日本が立ち遅れてるかのどちらかか。 Watching FacebookGuests http://t.co/u552OQL via @livestream
06:14 from ついっぷる/twipple (Re: @masanobu_k)
@masanobu_k おはようございます
07:02 from web
Saving Dodger blue from more privitalization. MLB taking over #Dodgers - http://bit.ly/gNv2OW /via @SI_24Seven #mlb
07:04 from ついっぷる/twipple
#NFL may be the wisest because it has no team in LA. #Dodgers has the divorce problem, #Lakers had Kobe's tongue problem.
07:05 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @cnntech: Zuckerberg concluded the event by giving Obama a Facebook shirt. "This is a high-fashion statement right here," Obama says.
07:30 from goo
なっきぃ、イカなくちゃ、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://goo.gl/lKSz8
07:42 from goo
なっきぃ、体力落ちちゃったのかな、なっきぃ?? #goo_kaotan_rika http://goo.gl/dx3of
07:43 from ついっぷる/twipple
07:50 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @Alyssa_Milano: Bud Selig's official statement regarding #MLB taking over the #Dodgers? http://is.gd/aTUx0b
07:52 from Tweet Button
Ocho misleads what we need Chad Ochocinco's followers dont respond kindly to tweet about #NFL lockout http://t.co/z7JKmEF via @latimessports
09:40 from tGadget
11:17 from tGadget
RT @jaysonst: #Cubs are still the ultimate .500 team. They've now been 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7,8-8 & 9-9 this year.
12:21 from foursquare
I'm at プロント 勝どき店 (勝どき1-8-1, 地下1階, 中央区) http://4sq.com/e1pHyO
12:29 from TweetCaster
RT @W7VOA: It's unclear if police will try to evict with force anyone still living in #Fukushima rad evac zone who refuses to leave.
12:32 from TweetCaster
12:45 from Mobile Web
There is a chance Selig gives WS champion trophy to him!? RT @espn ESPN MLB Bud Selig says #MLB will run #Dodgers http://t.co/7UJWbgs
14:21 from Tweet Button
台風来たらどうする、福島原発に新たな課題-「もぐらたたき」の声も - Bloomberg.co.jp
http://t.co/P6F9Xre #tepco
15:51 from Tweet Button
内閣総辞職より今こそ解散総選挙! 菅首相:震災・原発対応に批判、与野党から再び「辞任圧力」強まる - Bloomberg.co.jp http://t.co/hnH0IQ5 #jishin #fukushima
21:02 from TweetCaster
21:31 from ついっぷる/twipple
22:11 from Tumblr
Photo: なっきぃ!! http://tumblr.com/xji27gmpmj
22:12 from Tumblr
Photo: なっきぃ食べちゃいたい!! http://tumblr.com/xji27gnaqs
22:15 from Tumblr
Photo: なっきぃ!! http://tumblr.com/xji27gobbr
22:33 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @TIME: The 100 most influential people in the world | http://ti.me/hPT0Lv #TIME100
by ilovenacky on Twitter
06:11 from Tweet Button
オバマがSNS好きだからか政府の視点がよいからかはわからないけど、こういうことをやってのけるアメリカってすごいのか、日本が立ち遅れてるかのどちらかか。 Watching FacebookGuests http://t.co/u552OQL via @livestream
06:14 from ついっぷる/twipple (Re: @masanobu_k)
@masanobu_k おはようございます
07:02 from web
Saving Dodger blue from more privitalization. MLB taking over #Dodgers - http://bit.ly/gNv2OW /via @SI_24Seven #mlb
07:04 from ついっぷる/twipple
#NFL may be the wisest because it has no team in LA. #Dodgers has the divorce problem, #Lakers had Kobe's tongue problem.
07:05 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @cnntech: Zuckerberg concluded the event by giving Obama a Facebook shirt. "This is a high-fashion statement right here," Obama says.
07:30 from goo
なっきぃ、イカなくちゃ、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://goo.gl/lKSz8
07:42 from goo
なっきぃ、体力落ちちゃったのかな、なっきぃ?? #goo_kaotan_rika http://goo.gl/dx3of
07:43 from ついっぷる/twipple
07:50 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @Alyssa_Milano: Bud Selig's official statement regarding #MLB taking over the #Dodgers? http://is.gd/aTUx0b
07:52 from Tweet Button
Ocho misleads what we need Chad Ochocinco's followers dont respond kindly to tweet about #NFL lockout http://t.co/z7JKmEF via @latimessports
09:40 from tGadget
11:17 from tGadget
RT @jaysonst: #Cubs are still the ultimate .500 team. They've now been 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7,8-8 & 9-9 this year.
12:21 from foursquare
I'm at プロント 勝どき店 (勝どき1-8-1, 地下1階, 中央区) http://4sq.com/e1pHyO
12:29 from TweetCaster
RT @W7VOA: It's unclear if police will try to evict with force anyone still living in #Fukushima rad evac zone who refuses to leave.
12:32 from TweetCaster
12:45 from Mobile Web
There is a chance Selig gives WS champion trophy to him!? RT @espn ESPN MLB Bud Selig says #MLB will run #Dodgers http://t.co/7UJWbgs
14:21 from Tweet Button
台風来たらどうする、福島原発に新たな課題-「もぐらたたき」の声も - Bloomberg.co.jp
http://t.co/P6F9Xre #tepco
15:51 from Tweet Button
内閣総辞職より今こそ解散総選挙! 菅首相:震災・原発対応に批判、与野党から再び「辞任圧力」強まる - Bloomberg.co.jp http://t.co/hnH0IQ5 #jishin #fukushima
21:02 from TweetCaster
21:31 from ついっぷる/twipple
22:11 from Tumblr
Photo: なっきぃ!! http://tumblr.com/xji27gmpmj
22:12 from Tumblr
Photo: なっきぃ食べちゃいたい!! http://tumblr.com/xji27gnaqs
22:15 from Tumblr
Photo: なっきぃ!! http://tumblr.com/xji27gobbr
22:33 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @TIME: The 100 most influential people in the world | http://ti.me/hPT0Lv #TIME100
by ilovenacky on Twitter