そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-03-22 01:09:28 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
09:00 from TweetCaster
連休最終日、聞けばを聞きます #cbc1053 #kikeba
10:03 from HootSuite (Re: @masanobu_k
@masanobu_k おはようございます
10:06 from TweetCaster
11:22 from TweetCaster
RT @Buster_ESPN: Sources: Phillies deal with Castillo is close, but not done.
13:31 from TweetCaster
RT @tokyorich: The Japan quake took place on the anniversary of the Madrid Bombings.
14:48 from foursquare
I'm at アオキスーパー 千代が丘店 (千代が丘5-50, 名古屋市千種区) http://4sq.com/gbuRxi
15:12 from foursquare
I'm at 宮根小学校 (宮根台二丁目, 千種区, 名古屋市) http://4sq.com/fgUTeQ
17:25 from TweetCaster
N. Korea Accuses South, U.S. of Border Provocation, http://fxn.ws/dKIKdI - FOX News
18:34 from foursquare
東京へ帰ります (@ 竹越バス停) http://4sq.com/hVDa8x
18:42 from TweetCaster (Re: @masanobu_k
@masanobu_k どうもです。光のない街へ帰ります
19:01 from foursquare
SKEの列すごい!オレも行ってみたかったかもw (@ SUNSHINE SAKAE w/ 3 others) http://4sq.com/h71Zhr
19:13 from foursquare
I'm at 名鉄バスセンター (愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅一丁目, Nagoya) http://4sq.com/eYln8p
19:23 from foursquare
I'm at 名古屋駅 (Nagoya Station) (名駅1-1-4, 名古屋市中村区) w/ 10 others http://4sq.com/hah3R1
19:33 from TweetCaster
RT @FRANCE24: JAPAN: Hopes rise as power is restored at Fukushima plant http://f24.my/fw0IbZ
19:35 from TweetCaster
21:11 from TweetCaster
21:24 from foursquare
I'm at 品川駅 (Shinagawa Sta.) (高輪3 / 港南2, 港区) w/ 12 others http://4sq.com/euDGDW
21:34 from foursquare
I'm at 東急 目黒駅 (上大崎4-2-1, 品川区) http://4sq.com/dHlWRC
21:36 from TweetCaster
RT @MerriamWebster: Word of the Day - savant : a learned person, especially one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field http:/ ...
22:12 from TweetCaster
22:16 from TweetCaster
22:36 from TweetCaster
back to reality RT @cnnbrk: Report: Rolling blackouts to resume in Tokyo area. http://on.cnn.com/hZ9x45
22:38 from TweetCaster (Re: @thankyou_0524
@thankyou_0524 ただいまです。
22:40 from TweetCaster
22:42 from TweetCaster (Re: @masanobu_k
@masanobu_k ただいまです
by ilovenacky on Twitter
