そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-


5月16日(水)のつぶやき その1

2012-05-17 02:55:37 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
07:26 from HootSuite (Re: @345480
@345480 電柱にぶつかっちゃうよ

07:44 from HootSuite

07:46 from HootSuite
朝からキレイキレイですか? RT @mayu_kishimayu: (⊃Д⊂)ゴシゴシ

08:02 from GetGlue.com
I'm watching New York Mets bit.ly/HGK53H @GetGlue #NewYorkMets

08:11 from HootSuite
#Brewers at #Mets after watching #mariners at #redsox RT @mlbfancave: What @MLB game are you watching tonight? #MLBFC

08:11 from HootSuite
RT @sberthiaumeespn: #Angels Albert Pujols batting .197 on the season and has just 2 extra base hits in last 22 games.

08:33 from HootSuite

09:05 from Tweet Button
Doug Mirabelli knows how to make an entrance atmlb.com/Jfdi6X via @MLB #redsox

09:06 from HootSuite
RT @cnbc: BREAKING: Facebook to increase IPO deal size by 85M shares, now expected to offer 421M shares; size-up could value deal at $18.5B.

09:15 from HootSuite
がんばって!!オレは1日休みだねぇ! RT @mayu_kishimayu: さっ、今日も1日動きまわるぜぇ\(^^)/

09:26 from HootSuite
#mets fail Jack Attack

09:29 from HootSuite
Right now we may not need to scratch our head for whom we select #MLB all star's AL first baseman.

09:38 from HootSuite
We call it Ishikawa Day!! #brewers

10:01 from HootSuite
Carasco forced out from game after intentional hit-by-pitch to Brawn. So ugly!! #mets #brewers

10:02 from HootSuite
Tonight's #Mets resembles lats night's #Lakers

10:02 from HootSuite

10:13 from Path 2.0
これ飾ってみたけど、横長だから場所限られるね。もしくは添い寝用だな [pic] ? path.com/p/45Xn0s

10:18 from HootSuite
RT @jeffpassan: Zack Greinke is making a very good case for a $100M deal. More than a K an inning, low BB rate, 1 HR in 50 innings, ERA...

10:35 from HootSuite

11:00 from HootSuite

12:05 from Tweet Button
『Super LIVE 2Days in Tokyo開催のお知らせ』 amba.to/JfwWQ9 「一緒に呑める」っていうのがすごいなあ!!

12:11 from HootSuite
RT @manetty_neo: 真野恵里菜オフィシャルブログがUPしました。記事はまだです。いつあがるかお楽しみに♪( ´θ`)ノ ameblo.jp/manoerina-offi… #manoerina

12:15 from HootSuite

12:18 from HootSuite

12:22 from HootSuite

by ilovenacky on Twitter
