そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2009-11-07 00:06:06 | 田中れいなちゃん
01:01 from Power Twitter
(my blog posting)爪たいれいな http://bit.ly/4FZ7nM
09:39 from BeTwittered
RT @espn: San Francisco Giants ace Tim Lincecum cited for marijuana possession - http://tinyurl.com/ychufho
09:53 from web
@SI_24Seven - The decline of QB sacks in the NFL - http://bit.ly/4sJzPp
13:47 from BeTwittered
http://bit.ly/1rrSVW 今日のおやつ「月の雫」
15:45 from ShareThis.com
Media want Roy Williams to be T.O version 2, right? #Cowboys QB Romo defends work with Williams - http://shar.es/aARxV
16:36 from TwitterGadget
change igoogle gadget from betwittered to TwitterGadget
19:30 from movatwitter
イマココ! L:東京都港区麻布十番2丁目20-13
22:22 from Power Twitter
As Facebook Ages, Gen Y Turns to Twitter: http://bit.ly/45SuPC #Twitter 31 Im altl older than it
22:37 from Power Twitter
RT @nytimes NYT NEWS ALERT: U.S. Jobless Rate Hit 10.2% in October, Highest in 26 Years, as Employers Cut Payrolls by 190,000
by ilovereina on Twitter
