そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2010-02-26 00:05:52 | 日常生活
03:35 from Keitai Mail
03:42 from Keitai Mail
04:52 from movatwitter
RT @mcuban: Senator Al Franken is Requesting User Caps on Internet Bandwidth ?: According to the LA Times http://bit.ly/9m6Kke
06:11 from HootSuite
RT @MLB: #Cubs MGR Lou Piniella says: "I'm really not a Facebook or Twitter guy. I'm a prime rib and baked potato." (via @CarrieMuskat)
06:17 from HootSuite
Lou is an old guy but it suits him. RT @CarrieMuskat: #cubs Lou Piniella I'm a prime rib and baked potato."
06:25 from HootSuite
ゆうかりんとかにょんがFIVE STARS始めることはわかったけど、まだなっきぃのブログが更新されていない件。次の水曜日担当はブログ好きだし長くやっていそうだからそのあたりも気合い入れてくるんだろうな。
06:59 from Power Twitter
@SI_24Seven - White Sox not pleased with Guillen's Twitter account - http://bit.ly/auzK7s
07:47 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/1aYo2 Unexpected qtrfinal match #Canada vs #Russia tonite!! Go Canada and Hope #USA-Canada rematch at final!! #nhl #olympic
07:49 from Power Twitter
RT @TopsyRT: President Barack Obama weighs basketball game vs. Senator Scott Brown - ESPN Boston http://bit.ly/bTfHwq
07:55 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/1aYxu オレも伊豆ツアーで伊豆箱根鉄道乗りたかったなw ていか愛佳に夜の射的・・・(マテ


12:04 from TwitterGadget
RT @CBCAlerts: Corey Perry scored twice as Team Canada thumped Russia 7-3 in their men's hockey quarter-final at the Vancouver Olympics.
12:32 from movatwitter
12:42 from Keitai Mail
#TeamCanada goes semi! Cant wait 4 rematch w/#USA! Meantime, Sidney's wall is too high 4 Alex again... #nhl #olympic
12:46 from movatwitter
I root 4 Ozzie! #whitesox #mlb RT@OzzieGuillen: I love what I'm doing now,Followers, don't worry, I will be here for all of you.
12:52 from movatwitter
RT @nytimes: Once Mighty Party Falls, and Worries Grip Japan http://nyti.ms/brr6JQ
13:59 from movatwitter
RT @RealDeal91: I hate when people put lol in the text and they not even laughing
18:24 from web
「SKE48」の等身大ステッカー、発売1週間で1,000枚受注(サカエ経済新聞) http://bit.ly/dkHxpn

SKE48チームS 松井玲奈(まついれな)等身大ステッカー 2009

22:50 from Power Twitter
ゼンショー、「ウェンディーズ目黒店」跡にカフェ-1階は「すき家」(品川経済新聞) http://bit.ly/dkJopw


22:51 from HootSuite
RT @nprnews: Durable Goods Orders Surge; Jobless Claims Rise http://su.pr/31DbdX
23:53 from Power Twitter
Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen’s Twitter tiff - chicagotribune.com http://shar.es/m0pGN
by ilovenacky on Twitter
