そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-11-16 01:15:18 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
00:02 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、たこ焼き美味しいね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/6ErbflL2
00:05 from HootSuite (Re: @mayu_kishimayu
いいよ!一人暮らしなんでいつもやってることです(笑) RT @mayu_kishimayu: TVと会話していい?
00:09 from HootSuite
RT @msnbc: Report: Judge who freed Sandusky was 2nd Mile volunteer http://t.co/YDoSEuL7
00:28 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、勘弁してくれ~だね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/t4u9QCGg
00:35 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、引き立てたね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/tvhMhq7w
00:50 from HootSuite (Re: @miku_ichinose
@miku_ichinose おかえり~~っ!!
08:57 from HootSuite
11:55 from HootSuite
11:57 from HootSuite
12:11 from HootSuite
RT @rosenberg_mike: I understand that everybody deserves a lawyer, but man, I can't imagine what it's like to represent Jerry Sandusky.
12:12 from HootSuite
12:25 from HootSuite (Re: @yusa_sugimoto
@yusa_sugimoto がんばってきて!!いっぱいアピールしてきてね。
12:33 from HootSuite
RT @jayglazer: Sandusky says he did nothing wrong but regrets showering w little boys. If any man showered w my son I'd slit his fucking...
12:35 from HootSuite
12:38 from Tweet Button
Amazon Kindle Fire Launches; Competition for Apple iPad, Nook Kindle. Tablet Wars Heat Up. - ABC News http://t.co/fosGr6hf (via @ABC)
12:51 from HootSuite
12:52 from HootSuite
It is & should be revival. RT @latimessports: Matt Kemp's new contract is the first step in the revival of #Dodgers http://t.co/ECZhsRto
13:02 from HootSuite
They are not NBA! RT @sinow: MLB players, owners close in on new 5-year deal http://t.co/7CLjDzki via @si_mlb
13:18 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、発売になったね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/bSMZVo1S
13:41 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、卒業ソングだよね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/oIyj63xE
13:52 from HootSuite (Re: @miku_ichinose
あーあっ、でもオレも4Sにするかモトローラの高速通信できるのにするかで悩んでるよ RT @miku_ichinose: あーあっ。4S予約しちゃったよねー←
13:55 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、ついに抜け出したんだね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/G3kPJToj
14:06 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、激さむだね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/aqRC9eGk
14:10 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、この季節だね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/lnQHxqa5
14:20 from gooBlog production
なっきぃ、みんなで練習したんだね、なっきぃ!! http://t.co/erft7ItE
by ilovenacky on Twitter
