そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2010-10-09 02:05:22 | 日常生活
06:59 from web
Start watching #Yankees @ #Twins (but only for 1 hour) #alds #mlb
07:01 from web
07:14 from web
Derek Jeter is still quiet so far. Is he waiting for being Mr. November? #yankees #mlb #postseason
07:22 from web
One hitter, 10 pitches, one hit allowed for Pettite. Denard Span made a good job. #yankees #twins #postseason
07:52 from web
People in Minnesota appear no worry about Carl Pavano and #Twins tonight
07:59 from web
Pettite's easy 1-2-3 inning... it may be the change of the game #yankees #twins #mlb #postseason
08:01 from Power Twitter
http://bit.ly/bGXl07 MSがアドビを買収する、かもっていう話があるみたいだけど、アメリカではITベンダーやソフト業界の買収話が次々と出ていますね。その一方で日本のIT企業は蚊帳の外。細々と日本人向けの製品を売って薄利を出すしかないのでしょう。
10:25 from tGadget
11:46 from tGadget
為替に国際協調余地ない、ドル79.75円割れれば60円も http://trunc.it/btoud
12:08 from tGadget

嗣永桃子写真集 『 ももち図鑑 』

12:34 from foursquare
I'm at ドトール 勝どき店. http://4sq.com/bBywen
12:44 from Touiteur
It is another NY-MIN match-up. NYTimes: Favre and Sanchez Meet at a Hectic Intersection - http://nyti.ms/agyA2W #Jets #vikings
12:47 from Touiteur
先制してもモメンタムを保てないツインズ、多少の失点でも立ち直る能力があるヤンキーズ、という違いが出ていると思う。 NYTimes: Yankees Take 2-0 Series Lead - http://nyti.ms/beY7UF
18:26 from tGadget
RT @msnbc_breaking: Kim Jong Un will lead North Korea after his father, official tells APTN http://bit.ly/caJ3T3
19:13 from TweetCaster
Call it a week now. Head to my home and watch the recorded #braves @ #giants , a great performance by Tim Lincecum.
19:30 from Touiteur
But no fisherman will go to Norway. RT @Reuters FLASH: China foreign ministry says Nobel peace prize award will hurt Sino-Norway relations
19:34 from Touiteur
今は1930年代とは違うと言われながらも、低成長もしくは不況下の世界的経済戦時体制だと思う。RT @BloombergNow BRICs Oppose U.S. on Currency Controls, Russia Says http://ow.ly/2Quie
19:42 from Touiteur (Re: @MikeAndMike
Pitching. Just enjoy PO whatever calls r made. RT @MikeAndMike What is bigger story of the MLB post season? Great pitching or blown calls?
19:44 from Touiteur
21:08 from HootSuite
back to home. watching #braves @ #giants #mlb #postseason
22:12 from HootSuite
22:32 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/2QAjS やっぱりそうだろうと思ったけど、日本で行われた反中デモ(そんなのあったんだ)は日本のメディアでは抹殺されてたみたい。
22:52 from web
22:54 from goo
なっきぃ、せんたくって大事だね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kaotan_rika/e/17ea353470f3c4d7dd3525636fc318d8
22:56 from web
by ilovenacky on Twitter
