Hi Everyone,
I am just loving her!! I can't stop watching the music videos! I love how creative and abstract her videos and the music is very awesome! They make me feel like I am in the 80s again where people where just creative and did not care how people would interpret it! I miss those days and I am so happy she is bring that feel back. Here are some of my Favorite Videos by Her! =3
きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - ふりそでーしょん,Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Furisodation
Carry Pamyu - Yumeno begin Rin Rin, kyary pamyu pamyu - Yumeno Hajima Ring Ring
きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - Crazy Party Night ~ぱんぷきんの逆襲~,Kyary Pamyu Pamyu-Crazy Party Night-Pumpkins Strike Back-