


2022-04-14 19:48:56 | Nature


 India's flora and fauna are matchless. In richness, variety and abundance it has hardly any parallel. India's great latitudinal spread encompassing a wide range of temperature conditions makes it rich and varied in flora and fauna.

 The Western Himalayan region, extending from Kumaun to Kashmir, is made up of three zones – alpine, temperate and lower. The temperate zone is rich in chirping, deodar, spruce, silver fir and forests of conifers. The alpine zone, which extends from the upper limit of the temperate zone about 4,750 meters or even higher, is characterized by high-level silver fir, the silver birch and junipers.

 The eastern Himalayan region (Darjeeling Tea) has about 4000 species of flowering plants along with several varieties of palm. Many laurels, maples, alders, birch, conifers and junipers also flourish the Rhododendrons, dwarf willows and bamboo abound. In the Gangetic plains forests of widely. different types occur but sal forests predominate T vegetation of Brahmaputra valley of Assam intervening hills is luxuriant and is characterized by tall grass, broad-leaved forests and thick columns of bamboo.

 Palms of many kinds are endemic to the entire tableland of the Indian peninsula. The Malabar area covering the west coast and the mountains of the Western Ghats is rich in tropical vegetation. These forest areas abound in such hardwood as rosewood, ironwood, teak and also in numerous kinds of softwood and bamboos. In the outlying Islands of Andamans and Nicobar, there are a variety of forests.

 The number of species of flowering plants in the country is about 15,000. There are about 35,000 non-flowering plants. The rich variety of fauna is in direct relation to the abundance and opulence of the flora. Both are interlinked and interdependent in many ways. The flora depends on the fauna for its action, propagation and spreads while the latter's existence and survival depend on the 10

 There are about 350 species of mammals and 1,200 species of birds. More than 30,000 species of insects, apart from a great variety of reptiles and fishes are also there.

 The mammals include elephant, the Indian Indian Buffalo, the blue-bull or nilgai, four antelope, black-buck, Indian wild ass and ved one-horned rhinoceros and many varieties of deer. Under the big game category come the Indian lion, the tiger, the panther, the leopard and various species of smaller cats.

 Many types of bears roam the Western Himalayas, but only a single species of Panda is found. Several species of monkeys and apes are common. The wild yak inhabits the uplands of Ladakh.

 India is very rich in birdlife also. The Indian peacock, with its splendid blue plumage, is the national bird. Several other species such as duck, pheasants, partridges, jungle fowl, quails, green pigeons, mynahs, bulbuls, parakeets, hornbills, herons, cranes etc. are a familiar sight. The rivers and lakes harbour crocodiles, gharials and a large variety of indigenous fish. Trout is common in hill streams and the masher in most of the large rivers.

Sometimes it is fondly asked why should we preserve wildlife and conserve forests when we ourselves need more land for agriculture, housing and industries. Moreover, they argue, the wild beasts and birds destroy our crops and gardens. The wild beasts also pose a threat to our domestic animals and livestock. Why then should there be reserved forests and sanctuaries? Why should our scarce money and resources be spent on protecting lions, tigers, musk deer, crocodiles, cranes or swans? What do we lose if already some species of wildlife are extinct and some others are on the verge of extinction?

 Obviously, these questions and queries betray our ignorance and wrong priorities. Wildlife is an essential and integral part of nature. The wild birds, animals, insects and reptiles help to maintain a balance in nature and conservation of the environment. God has not created them without purpose. All these species have their respective and definite roles to play in the scheme of things. We should not forget that man is also an animal but social, intelligent and rational. We share many things in common with them. Our kinship with them is very long and established. They are there to enrich and make our life more enjoyable and meaningful.

 The decrease in their number is bound to influence the ecology and quality of our life adversely. They are as good and essential a part of nature as we human beings are. They are a constant and renewable source of food, medicine, decoration and protection of the environment. Nothing is useless in nature.

 That is why they find such an important place in our art, culture, religion, literature and mythology. Without them, more than half the charm of human life would be destroyed. They all are our great friends without which we cannot do. For example, snakes protect our crops by destroying rodents; vultures, kites etc. do our scavenging work, lions, tigers etc. the deer, the population in check and the birds and insects help in the fertilization of fruits, flowers and crops.

 Fish, deer, fowls, pheasants, rabbits, partridges, wild buffaloes, hogs etc. provide us meat and cats, musk deer etc. with perfumes and medicines. If there were no birds life world will be without much sweet music, colour, diversion, solace and beauty. In other words, wildlife is really precious and it is our bounden duty to preserve and protect it.

 From a tourist's point of view, our wildlife is a great attraction. Foreign tourists come here to see the royal tiger and lion, the majestic elephant, the magnanimous one-horned rhino, the colourful peacock, the wonderful birds of paradise and to angle the trout and the masher. They help us in earning our precious foreign exchange Moreover, their bones, skins, hair, tusks, horns, hoofs etc. are valuable and useful.

 A number of beautiful and useful articles are made from them. They supplement our national income in many ways. There are many things in life that are indispensable but we are seldom conscious of their importance. This applies to wildlife as well. These birds, beasts, insects and reptiles form an integral part of nature, human life, and national wealth.

 The extinction of many species of wildlife in India has sounded the warning bells. Thank God that we have not turned a deaf ear to these warning bells and signals. We have the zoological Survey of India (ZSI) with headquarters in Kolkata and 16 regional stations spread all over the country for surveying the faunal resources of the country.

 The wildlife protection act, of 1972 governs the wildlife conservation and protection of endangered species both inside and outside the forest.

Under this act, trade in rare and endangered species has been banned. It is a cognisable offence to kill these species. There are presently 75 national parks, 421 wildlife sanctuaries and 35 zoological gardens in the country, covering nearly 4.5 per cent of the geographical area. But still much remains to be done to protect and conserve the wildlife in?

DEPRESSION - Teenage Depression

2022-04-14 19:27:59 | Health

DEPRESSION - Teenage Depression:

 As a teenager, the high school years can be complicated and demanding. Deep down, they are not quite sure of who they are, what they want to be, or even whether the choices they make from day to day are the best decisions. Sometimes the many changes and pressures they face threaten to overwhelm them

Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate help in diffusing Depression.

There are big changes both physically and mentally, so it isn't surprising that from time to time they start to feel down or discouraged. But what about those times when someone's activity and outlook on life stays down for weeks and begin to affect them and their relationship with others. If this continues they might be suffering from depression.

Depression is more than the blues or the blahs; it is more than the normal, everyday ups and downs. When that down mood, along with other symptoms, lasts for more than a couple of weeks, the condition may be clinical depression.

Clinical depression is a serious health problem that affects the total person. In addition to feelings, it can change behavior, physical health and appearance, academic performance, and the ability to handle everyday decisions and pressures.

It is not yet fully understood what causes depression, but there seem to be biological and emotional factors that may increase the likelihood that an individual will develop a depressive disorder.

Research over the past decade strongly suggests a genetic link to depressive disorders, depression can run in families.

Bad life experiences and certain personality patterns such as difficulty handling stress, low self-esteem, or extreme pessimism about the future can increase the chances of becoming depressed

Clinical depression is a lot more common than most people think. Approximately 3 to 5 percent of the teen population experiences clinical every year. That means among 100 friends be clinically depressed.

Depression can be very serious. It has to poor school performance, truancy, ale drug abuse, running away, and feeling worthless and hopeless. In the last 2, the rate of suicide among teenagers and adults has increased dramatically. Suicide of linked to depression.

The good news is that depression is treatable Between 80 and 90 percent of people with depression, even the most serious forms can be helped. Symptoms can be relieved quickly with psychological therapies, medications, or a combination of both.

The most important step toward treating depression, and sometimes the most difficult for teenagers, is asking for help in the first place.

They often fail to recognize the symptoms of depression in themselves, and because they don't know they are depressed, they don't ask for or get the right help.

Indian Economy 

2022-04-14 19:27:59 | Politics

Indian Economy 

India is located in the southern part of the Asian continent. And also south of the Himalayan Mountain – ( Darjeeling Tea ) southern peninsula has the largest mineral and the largest cultivable land on the continent, the population of India is critically large and nearly all people The life of the Indian is usually ruled by their caste system, but the s is not as firm as it was years ago. 

India has a mixed economy. The different elements of India, such as location, resources, and religious beliefs, mold the outcome of their economy. In the area that India is geographically located; the climate varies from tropical to extremely frigid temperatures. In the area closest to the mountains extreme temperatures should be expected. 

The northern plains have heavy snowfalls. The northeastern part of India has a cool monsoon season from early December throughout February monsoon is a wind system that produces wet seasons. If there are severe droughts, famines result from it.  

On the other hand, too much rain can cause malaria. Also, the contradictory temperature of the and nights fortify pulmonary disorders. The annual amount of precipitation along During this time temperatures of the city east of the During this time the Himalayan area has had temperatures In the other areas of India, the southern and western parts usually of about 120 F. Calcutta, which is the Himalayan mountains, has an average daily temperature of 55 F to 80 F during the month January and 79 F to 89 F in July. they also have monsoons but are referred to as the dry or wet seasons.  

These monsoons control the temperature, rainfall, and humidity. The wet or rainy season is from June through September.

Winds blow from the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. The rain can be overwhelming and is typically 125 inches during this season. The Cherrapunji in the Khasi Hills has a yearly rainfall of about 425 inches.

Mumbai, which is located in the west-central part of India, has temperatures of 67F to 83 F in January and 77 F to 85 F in July. With the different temperatures, natural resources can flourish or degenerate. 

India has many large cultivable regions and numerable timber access. India's agriculture is worth 15 one-third of the annual gross domestic product (GDP). The farms are usually humble and owned by families. 

The crops that are mostly cultivated are cotton, tea, and for domestic purposes rice, wheat, and cotton. jute, which are plants that give a fiber which made into sacking and cordage.

India is responsible for a large amount of e to the world. Sugar production a year during the early 1990s was 230 million metric tons. The production of tea was 743,000 tons. Rice was 726 million tons and wheat was 56.8 million tons. Cotton was at 2.0 million and jute was at 1.4 million tons Other agricultural products that are sold as exports are cashews, coffee, spices, barley, chickpeas, bananas, rubber, melons, vegetables, corn, sorghum, linseed, millet, and mangoes. 

The timber in India is not varied but is resourceful. In the Himalayan region, the cedar, pine, oak, and magnolia trees are abundant. The slopes of the Western Ghats, where there is heavy rainfall, are home to evergreens, bamboo, teak, and other timber trees.

In the south-eastern part, the mangrove and the sal are very common. These two trees are hardwood timber. Other resources include fishing, mining and manufacturing. 

The fish, forestry, mining, and manufacturing, that are of economic significance contribute to the Gross Domestic Products. Shrimps and prawns, Indian oil sardines, ducks, croakers, Bombay, Indian mackerel, anchovies, and marine catfish are the sea life that Indian people consume.

Even though the fishing industry is Overdeveloped when compared to other fishing a vital tool for the people. 

Bengal is the most important. They as encouraged deep-sea fishing by processing plants and paying for fleets to the ocean. 59% of the country's annual catch in the early 1990s was marine species. 23% of the total land in India is made up of forestlands. the regions bordering the Himalayas are the source of commercial forestry. 

The annual timber harvest was 9.9 billion cubic feet in the early 1990s. The mining industry thrives on Iron ore, coal, mica dolomite, copper, bauxite, petroleum, natural gas, zinc, lead, chromium, limestone, phosphate cock, silver, and gold. India is among the world's readers who produce iron ore, coal, and bauxite.

The other elements mentioned above are also reduced significantly. The annual production during the early 1990s for iron ore was 53.7 million metric tons, for coal it was 247.3 million, bauxite - Which was 5 million for manganese 1.8 million, and zinc 01,00. Three-fifths of the annual production of Petroleum (201.9 million barrels) is for India's consumption.

The products that India manufactures are iron and steel, machinery, processed agricultural products, fertilizer, transportation, non-ferrous metals, refined petroleum nickels, and computer software. Unfortunate Equipment, chemicals, and employment in these died in Agriculture, Forestry, and fishing and employment has gone down in services, transportation, and communication.

Transportation is composed mostly of railway lines. Its broad network of railroad lines is the la in Asia and fourth in the world. The total length of an operating railroad track is about 38,811 miles long. There are about 1.3 million miles of routes. All of the railroad systems are publicly controlled. There are 21,164 miles of the national highway. 

India also has a comprehensive network of airlines that connect to cities and towns all around India. Connections to the world are controlled by airlines such as Air India, and other private airlines - transport airlines. The major ports are in the city of Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, and Vishakhapatnam.

Communications in India include mediums of the telephone, radio, and periodicals. Their telephone system serves about 5.8 million telephones.

The radio system is owned by the government and is called 'All India Radio broadcast'. It serves about 68.5 million radio sets. The programs are held in 24 principal languages and many other dialects.

There are 27.8 million television receivers. There are 3800 daily newspapers. The life of the people of India is very interesting. India is second in the world with the largest population 83% of the people are Hindu, 11% are Muslim, and 2% are Sikhs.

The Hindus themselves as the ones who follow the ay of the four classes and stages of r is more Important than individual Vedas or the Behaviour is reliefs.

The Hindu where each religion has many gods and is one individual is free to worship many gods and have different rituals for them. The bail system may sometimes interfere with economic growth.

The caste system is a religious and social belief that each person is born into a position which they may not advance or decline from. If a person is born into an 'untouchable for example, (the most undesirable social position) they would try fulfilling their life now and not strive to be any better, in hope that in another life, they will be rewarded with a better position.

India is a country that has a diverse environment, large agriculture, and conflicting social sues. There is a massive amount of livestock that is not used for consumption. The belief is a person may return as any living creature and or consume these animals is to kill oneself in her life, reducing the ability to be promoted. Livestock is used for labor in rice and other agricultural fields.

All the different elements together such as resource sources, services, and social beliefs bring the economy to a close. The currency in India is the Rupee. It is divided into 100 paise. India has a mixed economy. Most of the control is through private owner-ships.

India is dependent on foreign goods, such as manufactured goods, raw materials, and foodstuffs. In the early 1990 the United States was India's leading trading partner. The US received 16% of its imports from India. India also has good trading relations with Japan , Germany, Great Britain, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Hong Kong, and Italy.