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for game players to dis

The club through a statement

2014-05-27 12:00:37 | 日記
Saturday evening , held online tournament FIFA 14 on the PC from our portal, with prize money of $ 1000. We plan to conduct this kind of competition every week , watch for announcements in the group in contact , as well as on the site itself .The tournament was held in general smoothly, without any violations and complaints. Of course there were moments that afflict both us, the organizers and FUT 14 PS4 Coins the participants themselves. For example, in one of the matches was a small incident. One of the players is very forward to this tournament, but started playing for family reasons was forced to absent himself , in consequence of that - lost. We ask you for your own convenience , try during their participation in the competition to be concentrated in the tournament.

In addition , please kindly do not insult each other . Be tolerant. The next time for profanity against another player disqualification . In the future , for the systematic violations of this kind , your account will be banned .And now to the pleasant . Third place in the Cup took our Eugene (sappi) - 200 rubles. Second place Alexei Shustova (lehamc) - 300 rubles. Well, the tournament winner was Eugene Kanaev (6AIIIKA_Evgeniy) - 500 rubles. Despite some difficulties in the initial stage with one of his opponents, Eugene was able to meet and eventually win this tournament. Site Administration congratulates the winner , as well as those who have fallen in the top three . We will be very glad to see you all at our tournaments . But those who could not get in today prizes urge you not to despair , you still ahead! The Sabalero was notified that his case with Atlante of Mexico by a debt incurred on the occasion of Juan Carlos Falcón pass is closed and reported to begin analyzing whether to revoke removes six points.

"" closed"" if Atlante of Mexico with a debt incurred in the occasion by Juan Carlos Falcón and reported that begin analyzing whether to revoke removes six points as a penalty imposed on him to Santa Fe team ."" FIFA notification by reporting that the federation ' has taken due note of the fact that the club Colón de Santa Fe has paid the entire amount due to the club Atlante , so the issue between them was received clubs closed ' , ""the club through a statement.In this regard , he added : ""We were also informed that after canceled the coasts , it will close the dossier promoted by the Mexican club and from there begin to analyze FIFA to revoke the sporting sanction of that our institution was liable .

""Last month, Columbus finished paying the $ 860,000 he owed the Mexican club for operation in 2007 which incorporated rose Falcon and asked FIFA to revoke the subtraction of FIFA ultimate team XBOX 360 Coins points .The procedure , the club at the time, was carried out by "" the vice president Abel Demanuelle 3 , the legal department of the institution, with the advice of an expert in sports law firm Spanish subjects .""Thanks to an excellent season so far 25 points in the Final Tournament , Columbus stays out of the relegation zone , although the club are looking forward to the resolution of FIFA because Columbus might delude even more to stay on top in case you reinstate the 6 units ."