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Experience 2010 spring and summer fashion color

2013-08-03 18:12:11 | 日記

We planned this season fashion colors, there is an impulse, hoping to find refreshingly but do not completely unfamiliar things. Beyond the limits of human visual perception. 2013 spring new korean version of the slim nine points sleeve shirt Let ⋯ ⋯ harmony of nature and technology with high-tech equipment, different levels, illusory three-dimensional images and real environments integrate, fantasy and reality to create a unity of mixing. Thread a Rose / Blush bold attempt to use our passionate approach, the integration of the organism with natural, life-giving pleasure and passion. Somatic impulse and induction, through color and texture tactile enjoy the show yourself. Golden honey yellow, earth red, cherry color, blood red, purple and mahogany colors are carefully written to the fore. Theme two glossy / Gloss This is an ingenious yet gratifying theme, dark tones with the colors blend together to bright colors embellishment, trying to find an emotional balance. Bright hue instant greets, exudes vitality, dazzling but lack a sense of quiet, full of vitality. Blue ink, magenta, coral, lemon yellow, mustard-colored and emerald green and other colors are highlighted, and the tones and dark tones such as sand and anthracite color contrast. Theme three colors / Shadow theme tries to show the feeling of lightness color. Characterized by a certain mystique, sought through quiet, cool colors convey this theme spirituality. Blue, mysterious purple and red roses are highlighted here. Theme IV eyeliner / EyeLine contours reflect a sense of tranquility and Tian Mi promote human harmony with the environment. Land with natural wood color and fresh, calm tones complement each other, 2013 summer miscellaneous tshirts giving a sense of elegant modernist. Gray, yellow, yellow-green light colors are highlighted with simple hue integration, and then with the color Browne fashion.


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2013-08-20 01:46:46
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