2006 年 6 月 7 日 的早晨
我覺得我這人 如果作惡夢 出現在夢裡的都是一些不是這地球上的東西
感覺就在看電影 是不好的畫面的夢 在我心裡都會淡忘掉
但是 這個早晨 我作了一個超級濫濫濫到暴掉的夢
可是那個夢 就是一直一直的藏在我心底
現在想到 又是一陣的厭惡和可惡
不想看到那個畫面 不想去想
討厭討厭阿 就是因為見面了所以才多了很多很多的想法吧
可是 這個夢我希望它跟現實是顛倒的
I somehow clicked on a link via google and came on your blog. it looks really cute! I would like to type in chinese, but my computer won\'t allow me too, sorry!
It must be irritating to have that type of dreams, have you already had that dream before? (sorry, my chinese isn\'t really good, so you might have mentioned it in your blog but I didn\'t understand it.)
so you\'re going to study in Japan next year? That\'s so cool!
<3 Dee