If you tweet a real UFO picture to a UFO researcher... most of them don't show any interest lol. So does that mean most researchers are fakes? Real UFO pictures are useful for exposing fake researchers lol.
Why are there no UFO images in the world?
o Cameras themselves have switched to digital, and their performance has deteriorated drastically compared to film cameras lol
o Considering the probability of photographing a UFO, you don't make any money from it lol If you had to put a price on it, it would be about 100 million yen per shot lol

Make photographic paper of color photos with
plain paper.
#UAP in Spain 1995 Minolta Alpha Camera-Kodachrome film*
The UFO was called #Flying Saucer, but this UAP is probably
a #Flying Cup, no matter how you look at it.
At the bottom of the object, a layer of atmosphere
like a force field is formed. # UAP

The actual color of the UAP shot on Kodachrome film is unknown.
This is because older scanners do not analyze Kodachrome.
#UAP announced by the US Department of Defense
A 35mm reversal image taken more clearly and three-dimensionally?
Is it metallic and has a hollow structure in the center?
A streak pattern can be seen on the body of the object.
UFOs are difficult to see with the naked eye, but film cameras are sensitive to the infrared region, so they can be photographed.
UFOs usually travel in the infrared region.
And you can see the body in the magnetic force field.
In the age of film cameras, UFOs could be photographed,
Is it no longer possible to shoot UFOs with digital cameras?
That's because digital cameras are equipped with powerful IR cut filters.

Obtained a higher resolution image than the UAP image announced by
the US Department of Defense. If you analyze it a little more,
you can expect new information.
The building at the UAP shooting site is in focus. UAP is the next distance, and it fits perfectly, but when expanded, is it due to Forcefield? A fog of the same type can be seen around the UAP.
「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造を単一物質で実現
| 東工大ニュース | 東京工業大学 https://titech.ac.jp/news/2019/044158」
撮影したUFOの構造が、パイプ状だったので、不思議だと思っていた・・・・・ しかし、2019年ごろのニュースで、
それが、「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造」と判明?
#pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage
Thank you for {Like}. This photo is like a “coloring page”, printed from a single negative film on a multicolor photo.
Apply 4 or more pigment sensitizers on paper and repeat baking and development to complete.