OldTime Photo Print &UFO&UAP

2024Miraculous photos &UFO
Old Time-Print PigmentPhoto


2025-01-16 18:04:35 | 日記


<a href="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/20220629143835da5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/20220629143835da5.jpg" alt="uap_5_m (7)" border="0" width="521" height="143" /></a>

<a href="https://blog-imgs-151.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/ff-077.png" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-151.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/ff-077s.png" alt="ff-077.png" border="0" width="150" height="106" /></a>

<a href="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/UAP0011.png" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/UAP0011s.png" alt="UAP0011.png" border="0" width="150" height="79" /></a>

<a href="https://blog-imgs-139.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/img023.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-139.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/img023.jpg" alt="img023.jpg" border="0" width="560" height="802" /></a>


<a href="https://blog-imgs-111.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/DSC00083.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-111.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/DSC00083.jpg" alt="DSC00083.jpg" border="0" width="582" height="446" /></a>

<a href="https://blog-imgs-134.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/dacota2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-134.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/dacota2.jpg" alt="dacota2.jpg" border="0" width="394" height="386" /></a>
<br>Make photographic paper of color photos with

plain paper.<BR>


"Experiment" ... Real UAP image, {UFO, UA
SNS of groups and individuals who saw P, research, etc.}
Stick it on and see the reaction.
Progress to the present …… Almost no reaction www
Is it so brainwashed by the media?

<a href="https://blog-imgs-134.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/PIC123T0005.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-134.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/PIC123T0005s.jpg" alt="PIC123T0005.jpg" border="0" width="150" height="106" /></a>

「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造を単一物質で実現
| 東工大ニュース | 東京工業大学 https://titech.ac.jp/news/2019/044158」
撮影したUFOの構造が、パイプ状だったので、不思議だと思っていた・・・・・ しかし、2019年ごろのニュースで、
それが、「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造」と判明?


UAP is always wrapped in force field, so it is difficult to shoot w
Even with the US Navy Top Gun, even if you say "I see it almost every day",
when I look at the image, there is a lot of out-of-focus w
At the angle of the sun , The moment the main body was miraculously seen through,
I was able to shoot ww

Did the Pentagon's UAP-approved, alien search make sense? In other words,
aliens do not come to the earth, are they only monitoring with UAP probes?


"Members of the UAP Task Force are having a hard time
getting cooperation from the Air Force." ...
So far, only the U.S. Navy and the Pentagon have
acknowledged the UAP phenomenon? UAP report
from the U.S. Air Force Is there no case?$$$$$$$$$$


#pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage
Thank you for {Like}. This photo is like a “coloring page”, printed from a single negative film on a multicolor photo.
Apply 4 or more pigment sensitizers on paper and repeat baking and development to complete.
<a href="https://blog-imgs-98.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/gold01.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-98.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/gold01.jpg" alt="gold01.jpg" border="0" width="447" height="380" /></a>

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