OldTime Photo Print &UFO&UAP

2024Miraculous photos &UFO
Old Time-Print PigmentPhoto


2024-09-17 15:45:41 | 日記

<a href="https://blog-imgs-139.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/woter112.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-139.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/woter112.jpg" alt="woter112.jpg" border="0" width="600" height="200" /></a>

Commemorative photo of Girona Cathedral
with a large number of tourists. No one noticed the UFO,
but it was captured on film.
During a trip to Spain in March 1995.

<a href="https://blog-imgs-134.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/007.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-134.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/007.jpg" alt="007.jpg" border="0" width="488" height="438" /></a>

Miraculous photo prints

##><br>Miraculous photo prints
<a href="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/20220629143835da5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/20220629143835da5.jpg" alt="uap_5_m (7)" border="0" width="521" height="143" /></a>

<a href="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/UAP0011.png" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/UAP0011s.png" alt="UAP0011.png" border="0" width="150" height="79" /></a>

<a href="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/Snapshot@2022_0502_155236.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/Snapshot@2022_0502_155236s.jpg" alt="Snapshot@2022_0502_155236.jpg" border="0" width="113" height="150" /></a>

<a href="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/Snapshot@2022_0502_154813.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-150.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/Snapshot@2022_0502_154813s.jpg" alt="Snapshot@2022_0502_154813.jpg" border="0" width="150" height="113" /></a>


#pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage


Coloring of classic photographs・・since・1985
··················································· Basically, a light-sensitive emulsion is water-soluble so that dyes can also be used, and dyes and pigments can be used as color formers used. However, as for vintage prints, dyes are beautiful in color but fade in color over several years. #########################<br>

<a href="https://blog-imgs-108.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/12472542_10154621044407729_8126993334250070919_n.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-108.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/12472542_10154621044407729_8126993334250070919_n.jpg" alt="12472542_10154621044407729_8126993334250070919_n.jpg" border="0" width="420" height="300" /></a><br>
<a href="https://blog-imgs-121.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/016.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-121.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/016.jpg" alt="016.jpg" border="0" width="420" height="330" /></a><br>

Quiet supersonic aircraft

* Photographed experimental aircraft in Europe


"Experiment" ... Real UAP image, {UFO, UA
SNS of groups and individuals who saw P, research, etc.}
Stick it on and see the reaction.
Progress to the present …… Almost no reaction www
Is it so brainwashed by the media?


Image usage fee
US $ 1000

Amazon Gift Code


UAP is always wrapped in force field, so it is difficult to shoot w
Even with the US Navy Top Gun, even if you say "I see it almost every day",
when I look at the image, there is a lot of out-of-focus w
At the angle of the sun , The moment the main body was miraculously seen through,
I was able to shoot ww

Did the Pentagon's UAP-approved, alien search make sense? In other words,
aliens do not come to the earth, are they only monitoring with UAP probes?

UFO Sighting in Roses, Girona (Spain)1995/3

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