アジアのプレスリリース | Goo News



2020-07-19 20:27:34 | 新聞
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has compiled a white paper on trade and commerce for two years and distributed it today by the Cabinet.
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Points of this white paper
The spread of the new coronavirus calls for a review of the economic community.
With the spread of the new coronavirus, the world economy has fallen into a crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. This white paper analyzes the world structure revealed by the corona crisis.
The essence of this economic crisis is the limitation of face-to-face communication. As a result, restrictions on exchanges of people and goods have arisen both at home and abroad, disrupting supply chains and stagnating trade and investment. The factor is the concentration of production bases.
In addition, this infectious disease spread mainly in cities where people interact with each other. It can bring irreversible changes to industries that require face-to-face interaction, especially in the city.
In the midst of this crisis of infectious diseases, the country's priority measures in emergencies, such as export restrictions on medical supplies, have been seen, and the centrifugal force for international cooperation is working. On the other hand, the development and social implementation of digital technology that does not require face-to-face exchange are rapidly progressing, and it is also called Corona Tech.
The structure of this world has been formed during the process of globalization. This white paper recaptures globalization from the concept of unbundling, into the past, present and future. The corona crisis has occurred in the process of changing globalization into the future, and the world is accelerating digitization, and it is necessary for Japan to take this crisis as an opportunity.
Based on the above analysis, in this white paper, the future direction is to strengthen the supply chain, accelerate digitalization, build a robust economic and social system by evolving human interaction, and focus on international cooperation. We propose to maintain and build a new rule-based international trade system.
Source: METI website https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2020/07/20200707001/20200707001.html

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