

nice weekend

2021-02-14 20:55:23 | 日記

Last week, we have finalized Jan monthly closing successfully.


That was really hard to manage complete 3 entities financial monthly closing in parallel with tight closing schedule.

1. One has been finishing usual transactions to start liquidation.

2. Another has started and been transferred from terminated entity balance sheet.

3. Final one continues usual operation.


Issues are:

1. Firstly, it took some extra time to reconcile bank accounts.

2. Secondary, there is missing information among inter companies, which should be shared beforehand.

3. Thirdly, upstream of processes have been poor quality when it comes to IC mathing, Price Varience, Inventory management including inventory provison, scrap reduction.


Before summarizing issues, discussing root couses, and preparing for countermeasures, we need to prepare for budget monthly phasing as soon as possible.

Since 2nd week of Dec, there have been encountered several unusual events and solved one by one.

Now we have processed budget 2021 monthly phasing, in which we have really tight schedule with limited resources.

Therefore, even though nice wether in weekends, I have been working to catch up planned schedule.

One of team has been replaced and handed over practical operations.

But it seems it is hard to transder so many tasks and processes.


Let me think about how I can manage this situation and make team learn quickly.

One of the biggest issues is that the person who was handed over from previous member is not so familier to that work, processes, make it worse, and company itself.

But we should look for solutions and play respective role as per expected.