Developed countries should protect the jobs of their own workers while promoting decarbonizatio
When the Biden-Harris administration started the Ukraine war, it labeled Russia as an agg
But Facebook is "censoring" its response to the Ukraine war. Posters don't understand.
しかしは、「FB」は ウクライナ戦争への対応は「検閲」している。投稿者は理解できない。
"X" updates and publishes the information every day. "Summary of Special Military Operations
“x”では、毎日更新されて、発表されている。「特別軍事作戦 9月1日の概要」 露国防省。
There is no country in the world as scary as America. The administration will "bury the assassinati
Trump "promote" hybrid vehicles and light cars as "energy-saving vehicles" to combat CO2 emissions.
トランプ氏は、CO2対策に 「HV」や「軽自動車」を「省エネ車」として「推進」すべきだと思います。
In the Chinese market, where the "EV shift" is accelerating, the "declin
Germany seems to be on the verge of disappearance as a nation due to "denuclearization"