"When October Goes" and other songs by Barry Manilow
Japanese Jazz Singer : Mr. Kyo Nishimura 日本人のジャズシンガー 西村 協 さん
Whitney Houston----"Greatest Love of All" plus 1song "When You Believe" with Mariah Carey
Japanese movie tited "The lies in Japan" by Mr. Kikujirou Fukushima (90-year old photo jouranist)
サイモンとガーファンクル 「あすに架ける橋」 "Bridge over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfaunkel
"I Just Called to Say I Love You" by Steive Wonder
"IMAGINE" by John Lennon "Imagine"ジョン・レノン 日本語の歌詞付き
人生、波乱万丈。 My life is full of good and bad accidents.