Pokémon walk


Night view 2

2024-10-27 08:24:00 | 日記
It was fantastic that Pokémon appeared in the lightened up night view. 
I’m very sorry I couldn’t make it from my Pokemon but my mate chestnut boy could appear his doraneshia from his Pokemon. I wonder why he could do it but I couldn’t 😢 I think he’s much genius than me to play games because he’s young enough to operate IT so well.

I’m very happy to have mates to help me to play in the Pokemon world together.

The night view

2024-10-26 09:10:00 | 日記
It was lighten up around the water gate park.
I was walking along the river park and catching Pokémon which imitated the shape of a buddy Pokemon. 
It was Xoroa. I was catching them as if it were my buddy Giratina.

It was much easier to get caught of them than real ones.

I enjoyed catching them with AR on with the night view.

Research day

2024-10-20 08:09:00 | 日記
It was rainy in the afternoon. So bad because of Desumas research day.

We went on arcade street in the downtown to search the new spots. We needed tasks to get Desumas from 14:00 to 17:00.

It was almost done for an hour under the roof so we needed to search other spots out of the arcade in the rain ☔️ 
It was very hard to get hanging umbrella.
I felt to give up but my mate didn’t want to give up to do tasks.

I followed her until her satisfaction.
We could catch many Desmas and a raid giltina.
It was bad day but good result.

Shiny ✨ Pokémon today

2024-10-16 20:22:00 | 日記
It’s so amazing that I’ve got three shiny Pokemon today!
The first one is coil which was reward from the task. 
The second one is chirami on the way going to the station area. 
The third is giratina from the raid battle tonight. 
Those are all from my sub account ID. It’s so wonderful that my sub account is so weak not strong enough yet.

Kinococo spotlight hour

2024-10-16 08:09:00 | 日記
I was so surprised at the darkness of the evening spotlight hour around 6:00pm.
It was still bright a week ago on Tuesday evening. 
When I left home a quarter to 6:00 pm to the park it was already dim dark and cool outside. I hurried for the time to star spotlight hour but carefully steps to the path.

Without light it was darkness woods in the park and hard to walk ahead.
I found a mate to go with and kept walking and catching Kinococo.

I caught about a hundred Kinococo and one shiny ✨.