Pokémon walk


The new raid

2024-10-05 07:55:00 | 日記
Yesterday it was starting rainy day for after a few days. We’ll have chilly and wet days.

My daughter’s family left for Australia after a week holiday here in Japan to see my mother in the nursery home. She’s been getting weak and old enough. Recently she has not eaten well and being worried to live on.

My daughter loves her grandparents a lot because she had lost her father when she was little so she had been taken good care of by my parents. 

I know it’s time for my mother would not live longer any more…my daughter wanted to say hello & goodby while she’s alive.

After they left home the silence comes back again in my room. The peace and silence are good for me but somehow lonely.

I went out to hunt Pokémon in the evening. I got a one “Zamasenta” shiny.
It was very lucky for me.


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Unknown (maron)
2024-10-07 21:43:11
Jace and Emi went to Australia so your home is silent but they're coming to Japan for next year again.
Give your mommy many affection the end.
Many sad after many fun.
Many fun after many sad.
Have a nice time with your mommy.
Unknown (pokemonwalk)
2024-10-07 23:12:38
Thank you so much for your words.
To live is to go to the goal of the end of life.
The road to the goal is full of adventure ,peace, love and joy as well as bitter moments.
I’ll care of my mother having the good end and happy time.
