Pokémon walk


Fancy Pokestop

2024-09-01 22:47:00 | 日記
It’s getting comfortable in the evening.
I went to the station with friends to play Pokémon.
There were lots of people waiting for the buses or trains to go to Yatsuo Kazeno Bon. big festival in Toyama well known as Owara dance.
The rhythm of Owara is slow but passionate to make people sympathy with nostalgy. That’s why many people are attracted by these melody and dance.

We were going to the different area from Owara festival where the water and light illuminated park. We tried some raid battles and got the raid boss.
It was last illumination of the summer night. Many people came to watch the final stage of the water front illuminated show.
September 1…the beginning of small fall, isn’t it?
But it will be still hot for a while attacked by the typhoons.
I hope everyone can enjoy the last summer periods of time and welcome for the coming fall.


2 コメント

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Unknown (pokemonwalk)
2024-09-01 23:51:53
You got great smile of your friends as well as yours. Though we didn’t get much great Pokémon tonight we did well😁
Unknown (maron)
2024-09-01 23:44:45
I have don't see owara festival.
owarafestival is beautiful woman slow dancing.
I want go to owarafestival one time.
Today evening is cool and easy to walk.
I like autumn because it is cool.

I don't geted great Pokemon today but i geted smile with my friend today.
