Pokémon walk



2024-09-23 00:13:00 | 日記
Finally I’ve got an iPhone 16 not today but yesterday 22 in September.

It’s late to report it because I took much time to personalize it for my second phone playing Pokémon.

It’s much easier than synchronizing the whole data from the old one. Mine is just a simple one to choose some apps and formats. 
But I had mistakes to activate SIM from the old phone. The new one needs to install profile but I forgot to do it. I was taught how to install the protocol by the support desk on the phone.

I could totally set up the new phone to use for something pleasure.

I tried to play Pokémon as usual and it was much better than the old one.


2 コメント

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Unknown (maron)
2024-09-23 08:43:26
Your wonderful iPhone is very good.
You are enjoy PokemonGo with new iPhone
I wait to my new iPhone.
I show your iPhone yesterday so I can't wait my iPhone.
Unknown (pokemonwalk)
2024-09-23 09:21:53
I’m sure you can’t wait for your iPhone but yours order is so popular that it’ll be more time to deliver to you.
You are looking for it and it might be happy time to wait for it.
Once you get it not so excited … while you don’t get it, it’s the happiest moment!
