Pokémon talk


The festival

2024-10-01 21:38:00 | 日記
It was huge and gorgeous portable shrine festival called Hikiyama matsuri in Shinminato.
My mate Maron joined it and he showed very nice performances as well as others.
There were 13 traditional portable shrines go around the street with the loud voice “Eitasa” and back ground music.
There were many tourists and visitors from inside and outside the town.

We drove to the port and took on the ferry boat then riding the tram.

Walking more than 5Km to the end of the street, eating and drinking.
My grandkids were enjoying some Japanese traditional marketers entertainment on the street.
It was one of the national treasure festivals.


2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (maron)
2024-10-05 21:36:19
October 1 is once a year big event for port town.
This day is many people to gather in Shinminato.
We are say 「Iyasa~Iyasa~」
I was very tired but I was good day.
Thank you for coming!!
Unknown (pokemonwalk)
2024-10-05 21:40:01
I was so excited to see the big mobile shrine as much as 13 on the narrow street. It was so precious festival in Toyama Japan!
