It’s time to evolve Pokémon until tomorrow 2:00pm before new event.
I made Crabominable from Crabrawler putting on ice lure.
I chose a shinny one in my box first.
It made a different shape of big crab.
Its face is very gentle and smiley.
I could record a new entry Pokémon.
Next I did the normal color crabtawler change to abominable.
Both are lovely smiling face in the box.
I’ll try to make evolution of other different Pokémon tomorrow.
Whiteclub look is smile old man.
How many ashimari get the tomorrow.
I hope get the good ashimari!
good night.
See you tomorrow.
It seems cloudy with a little wet today.
I hope it will not bother us to enjoy at the community day.
Today morning is rainy ><
But I hope sun at after noon.