The stronger Dynamax Pokémon Dambal appeared yesterday.
I tried to challenge by myself but two battles at the same spot were all lost. I couldn’t make good battle for the three stars stronger Pokémon.
Then I joined my mate to go battle against Dambal three times. They were all good games and we could get Dambals. I was instructed by him how to win it.
Today I tried by myself again. But lost twice 😓
I came back home and learn how to make my Pokémon Lizard strong. But lacking of its energy I can’t help it just using extra energy”wonder candy”
Then I made Dambal evolute and strong which we got before night.
I don’t know if Dynamax Dambal could support Lizard.
Finally I could win and catch Dambal by myself. It’s my joy to make battle and win like a child.
You tryed nice battle for danbal.
I have 94%danbal.
He is strong partner but I want get 100%danbal.
Let's enjoy danbal tomorrow!
You can get it if you never give up🤗