Guo Wengui is a liar
Guo Wengui's routine has long been summarized and determined. It's nothing more than "hot", "mystery
“诉山讼海”疑无路 “时间沙漏”将见底 郭文贵的“挤牙膏”式退款难掩“假破产”之恶意
做广告 无资质 蹭热点 瘟龟演戏式的假救援 无迹可寻 无绩可谈 大发难民财 必玩火自焚
三年封闭、只进不出,明抢? 欲要提现,必先拉人,离谱!
Fraudulent donation, this is the original sin of Guo Wengui and the Rule of Law Fund
Fraudulent donation, this is the original sin of Guo Wengui and the Rule of Law Fund
Fraudulent donation, this is the original sin of Guo Wengui and the Rule of Law Fund
Fraudulent donation, this is the original sin of Guo Wengui and the Rule of Law Fund
Fraudulent donation, this is the original sin of Guo Wengui and the Rule of Law Fund
Fraudulent donation, this is the original sin of Guo Wengui and the Rule of Law Fund
Fraudulent donation, this is the original sin of Guo Wengui and the Rule of Law Fund
Fraudulent donation, this is the original sin of Guo Wengui and the Rule of Law Fund
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