From “The Most Beautiful Faces in the World 2021”
From “The Most Beautiful Faces in the World 2021””世界で最も美しい顔 2021”からAll image

From Kwon Mina (AOA)'s "looting" scandal and apology
From Kwon Mina (AOA)'s "looting" scandal and apologyクォン・ミナ(AOA)の「略奪」騒動と...

"I have never met BlackPink Jennie" Han Ye Seul's negative feelings
"I have never met BlackPink Jennie" Han Ye Seul's negative feelings「BlackPinkジェニと...

Vague fantasies (Actress Suzy, Idol Suzy)
Vague fantasies (Actress Suzy, Idol Suzy) ぼんやり空想(女優のスジ、アイドルのスジ)Suzy, former Miss A member,...

Miss A Suzy talent business
Miss A Suzy talent businessmiss A スジのタレント業Miss A Suzy, No. 1 on "Music Bank" fo...

I.O.I unit's shining stage (Whatta Man)
I.O.I unit's shining stage (Whatta Man)I.O.Iユニットの輝くステージ(Whatta Man)"As exp...

Surpass your sisters (T-ARA)! (DIA)
Surpass your sisters (T-ARA)! (DIA)姉さんたち(T-ARA)を超えろ!(DIA)SHINee's Key and...

How do you play with Naeun (Apink)? (PSY's new song MV)
How do you play with Naeun (Apink)? (PSY's new song MV)ナウン(Apink)をどういじる?(P...

From Wonyoung (IVE)'s performance
From Wonyoung (IVE)'s performanceウォニョン(IVE)の活躍ぶりからIVE Wonyoung is selecte...

Jiyeon's actress spirit
Jiyeon's actress spiritジヨンの女優魂Former KARA member Jiyeon and Bae Soo Bin perform ...

Will we be able to see Hayoung's amazing acting?
Will we be able to see Hayoung's amazing acting?出会えるか、ハヨンの”あっ”と驚く演技Apink's Eun...