ア・ムーン・シェイプト・プール - Wikipedia3.Decks Dark眼の前のDark4.Desert Island Disk無人島🏝での生活💖💖
I saw radiohead's twitter for the first time,radioheadのTwitterを初めて確認しました(. ❛...
"The National Anthem" "If You Say The Word"
Radioheadが1つになったKID A MNESIA(Cがないので気になります。I'm curious because ther is no「C」...
Little By Little
The King of Limbs: Live from the Basement - Wikipedia Radiohead8th album "The King of ...
Live in Gdynia
I saw this art a couple of years数年前に ago and found it earlier.確認できました。平和を祈ります...
Present Tence
【歌詞和訳】Present Tense / Radiohead - 踊るんだ。踊り続けるんだ - 深読み、Radiohead通信|歌...
kid A
「KID A」「Amnesiac」再考:ポストロックとエレクトロニカ|葱(ねぎ)|note昨年、「KID A」そして兄弟盤「Amnes...
The Tourist
"The tourist is a song by Jonny Greenwood.I just confirmed.Let's recall and reproduce t...
OK Computer
OK コンピューター - WikipediaI just corfirmed that many celebrities著名人 have evaluate...
kid A
https://ameblo.jp/unfashionablefashion/entry-12356385726.htmlIt is a faceless comment.a...
The Supreme Court has become a political tool for the extremist, Fascist faction of the...