#physics 新着一覧
Uft test 3 Testing the video and stuff
Uft test 3 Testing the video and stuff

Story of a man possessed by Spirit of Intelligent Life of certain planet in Andromeda Nebula
According to physicists, there are “10 to the 500th power” multidimensional universes.
Metaphysical Musings on the Implications of a Time Symmetric Reformulation of Quantum Theory
Metaphysical Musings on the Implications of a Time Symmetric Reformulation of Quantum Th
A Quick & Intuitive Approach to Quantum Interference
A Quick & Intuitive Approach to Quantum InterferenceMy day job is neither physicis
A Quick & Intuitive Approach to Quantum Interference
A Quick & Intuitive Approach to Quantum InterferenceMy day job is neither physicis

UFT #6B Decoupling Space and Time
UFT # 6B Decoupling Space and Time
UFT #6 Separation of Variables
UFT # 6 Separation of VariablesTime to get down to business. A standard ersatz and a s

UFT #5 Schrodinger's Equation
UFT # 5 Schrodinger's Equation

Spooky Action at a Distance: three's a crowd. A result of the properties of the diffusi...

There has been no major breakthrough in physical theory for almost 100 years. This is 2...