

Procedural Posture

2021-06-02 00:26:13 | 日記
Plaintiff gas company appealed the judgment of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County (California), which granted defendant oil company's motion for nonsuit in the gas company's lawsuit for breach of contract arising from the oil company's refusal to deliver oil demanded by the gas company during certain months.

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The gas company and the oil company entered into a contract in which the oil company agreed to sell and deliver to the gas company a sufficient quantity of crude oil to operate all plants to be operated by the gas company in its business of manufacturing gas and electricity. The gas company alleged breach of contract after the oil company notified the gas company that it was no longer bound by the contract and refused to deliver oil as requested and demanded. The trial court granted the oil company's motion for nonsuit on the basis of the gas company's lack of evidence showing that it had demanded a quantity of oil sufficient to operate its plants. On appeal, the court held that the contract was to be construed as entire and not severable. Therefore, the gas company could not recover for a failure to deliver without alleging and showing either performance or a sufficient excuse for the nonperformance of its obligation to take all of the oil required to operate its gas and electric plants.


The court affirmed the trial court's judgment granting the oil company's motion for nonsuit against the gas company's breach of contract claim.

