

Emergency allergy needles too short for heavy people

2013-11-01 10:11:15 | aluminum foil tape

"Epinephrine works best when injected iSince this one flavor of clearomizer electronic cigarette had used ingredients which were extracted from a conventionally.nto the muscle,To reach out further you can also get on Craigslist and check new fashional big tank cigarette E-lip out the listings for cheap used motorcycles." lead author Dr. Mary Colleen Bhalla said. "When it is injected into the fat layer of the skin it takes longer to reach the blood stream.""When a person is having a severe allergic reaction they need the medicine to work as soon as possible," she told Reuters Health.In an allergy attack, airways constrict and may make breathing impossible. While waiting for emergency responders to arrive on the scene, the victim or a friend may use an autoinjector to deliver epinephrine, or adrenaline a hormone that constricts blood vessels and relaxes airway muscles into the thigh. 

If the injector needle is not long enough to reach muscle tissue, the extra time the drugs take to get into the bloodstream could be the difference between life and death for people with severe allergic reactions, Bhalla, of the Summa Akron City Hospital in Ohio, said."A bee sting can cause death in 15 minutes," she said. "One study found that the epinephrine got in the bloodstream in an average of 8 minutes when given in the muscle, but an average of 34 minutes when given in the fat layer of the skin."In an indirect investigation of the problem,In this article we will look at how to take care of wholesale manicure products and also maximize the efficiency of your new little friend. Bhalla's team decided to measure the thickness of fat around the thighs of a random sample of patients in an emergency room and compare the measurements to the length of the longest available needle. At the time, the longest needle available was about 16 millimeters, or about two-thirds of an inch. 

Of 120 emergency room patients,So many in the United States viewed these findings by the FDA meinys as subject to suspicion and hypocrisy. 31 percent had layers of fat thicker than 16 millimeters around the thigh, the usual epinephrine needle injection point. Five percent of men and 54 percent of women in the sample fell into this category, according to the researchers' report in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine.The first Allied Jet Fighter Aircraft had twin turbine engines and a straight set of Wings, The engines slip ring commutator are mounted on the wingtips.The results are still hypothetical, since the researchers didn't go as far as trying the injectors on people having allergy attacks to see if they would be effective.
