

On Star Citizen's so-called 'feature creep'

2013-09-16 10:49:32 | aluminum foil tape

I'm going to address the allegations of "feature creep" in Star Citizen this week before misperceptions get further out of hand. If you haven't been following the sci-fi space sandbox in recent weeks, note that Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium unveiled the title's $20 million stretch goal several days ago. Said goal is FPS combat on select lawless planets,The major items produced were traditional hand china bearing print dresses tops long tops skirts and coats in which the colours stand out for their purity. but to hear some armchair developers tell it, Roberts is jumping the shark and gunning for PlanetSide 2 instead of simply adding some instanced bells and whistles onto what's affectionately known as the best damn space sim ever.If you're a Star Citizen backer or enthusiast, you already know everything I'm about to type.Even if the woman undergoes a check up scissors wholesale the screening only extends to her ovaries and not her entire reproductive system. If you're casually lurking on the periphery of the game's fandom, though, join me after the cut for the most complete SC crash course that 1,700 words can buy. 

Before I get too deep into this rant, let's make sure that everyone understands exactly how SC's stretch goals work.The pump is installed just above the motor slip ring commutator and both of these components are suspended in water. In short,It is reported that the yolk portion of the wholesale manicure products can help cure scars and has positive effects for your skin. they are planned development milestones that CIG budgeted for long ago. Some of the bigger ones, like new ships and now, planetary FPS combat, weren't previously publicized in great detail because there's no sense in telling your audience about something that you may not have the money to build.When you're designing a virtual world, though, particularly in the early stages, you dream big. Over the past six months, as SC's crowdfunding totals have made a mockery of both traditional publishers and previous crowdfunding records, Roberts realized that not only would he be able to finance, build, and distribute the title without any costly middleman "help,While phone calls and e-mails can help establish first contact to get the stock list and pricing it is best to physically visit a Solar Street Lamps to get a more accurate impression of the business." but he'd also be able to develop a bunch of the extensive virtual world features that he'd always intended to include on his prototypical space sim sandbox. 

So in a few weeks, when CIG unveils the $25 or $30 million crowdfunding "stretch goal," please understand that even though it may be new to you, it isn't something the dev team just spit-balled while watching the funding ticker on its home page spiral upwards on a Friday night. The stretch goal "unlocks" are CIG's PR-savvy way of throwing a bone to ravenous community members hungry for new and exciting info about a title that is still two years from launch.
