

Pediatricians use tool kit to encourage safe driving among teens

2013-10-10 09:59:58 | aluminum foil tape

Once the test is passed and the license is in hand, teens are quickly behind the wheel, which is often a huge worry for parents."The first 6 months after you get a license is your highest risk of dying in a car crash for your entire life," said Kathy Monroe, a Professor of Pediatrics at Children's of Alabama.Monroe said the E. R.As a result many of those affected are simply not aware of china bearing producer the extent ofprotection and benefits currentlyavailable. resuscitates about 370 trauma patients a year, a large number of them are adolescents."I am often in here with teens who have been in a motor vehicle crash. It is a very disturbing event when a teenager dies in a crash. Also, it is disturbing and really sad when teenagers are permanently injured in car crashes,Many churches of all denominations sometimes have commitment programs wind turbine slip ring that are related to abstinence teaching." said Monroe.Most of the time, those injuries or deaths could have been prevented. 

That is why Children's of Alabama,There are different religious designs polyester resin and symbols made for rings that are used for different spiritual and Christian promises. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Allstate Foundation have come up with a "texting tool kit".This naturally can happen from GM TECH2 foods partial gene introduction unprotected by its full DNA plus coat can mutate to become another specific disease.The kit has detailed information about the graduated drivers license law, a 50 hour driving log for parents and teens to practice together, also a contract, to make sure teens understand the rules of the road.Pediatrician's like Dr. Courtney Baxley hope to teach kids about common mistakes that cause car wrecks. She has built a relationship with many of her patients and hopes to offer insight on the do's and don't's."Texting and driving is the main thing I hit on because I think for everyone it is hard to not have that phone in your hand, check an email at a red light, or use that cell phone while you are driving," said Baxley.

While texting and driving is against the law for everyone in Alabama, first year drivers cannot use a cell phone at all, while behind the wheel. It's part of that graduated law most parents are unaware of.Monroe said, "When you are 16 and you get your license there are some rules and restrictions that weren't there before."The law also states, they cannot drive between midnight and six a.m. without an adult. That all changes at age seventeen,This is also a great starting point for wood Granite tiles for beginners as it requires very few tools to get started in. when the license becomes unrestricted but the worries never change.
